An Invitation

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Hahaha! Man that was hilarious! Seeing the looks of fear on their faces was absolutely amazing! Honestly it was all they deserved for their actions.

Anyways, I tasked Shuna with guiding them around Tempest. Everyone else was free to do as they please. But both Ultima and Carrera are with Shuna as well as Velraiha. Not guiding them, but rather observing them. As in, if someone does anything wrong or bad, they are responsible for punishment.

They may be submissive now, but I would rather not take any chances. And since they did not have a chance to fight, this gives them a slight chance if anyone breaks loose.

But forget them, Ciel had asked whenever I got a chance to go to a different section of the [Imaginary Space]. Apparently she was training Shinsha and Shalsha the entire time out fight is going on. I assume the girls made more fantastic progress. Why wouldn't they, of course they would! They are my daughters!


Sorry about that once again. But I have just entered the area she was in. Immediately being rushed for another hug. She was wrapping around me very tight and burying her face in my chest. It was a cute display, so I grabbed her waist and hugged from there. I believe I could see a little red on her face.

"Did you miss me?" I asked her teasingly.

"Of course." She said in a shy tone. She then promptly exited the hug and grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me to the girls.

"Quickly! Appraise them!" Ciel shouted in excitement and anticipation. But I followed what she said and appraised them.

Name: Shinsha Tempest

Protection: Void Crest

Race: Ultimate Slime

Ep: 572,791 (1,145,582 when combined with Shalsha Tempest)

Unique Skills:

Link- A dual set skill. Allows the user to maintain a link with the other holder. Allowing each side to access skills from their "Partner".

Fusion - Allows the user to fuse or combine existences with a partner of the same race who is either slightly weaker, slightly stronger or equal to.


Adaptor-(Borrowed via [Link])

Change-(Borrowed via [Link])

Intrinsic Skills:

Dragon Spirit Haki

Universal Sense

Universal Shapeshift


Physical Attack Nullification

Spiritual Attack Nullification

Natural Effect Nullification

Abnormal Condition Nullification

Holy-Demonic Attack Nullification


Name: Shalsha Tempest

Protection: Void Crest

Race: Ultimate Slime

Ep: 572,791 (1,145,582 when combined with Shinsha Tempest)

Unique Skills:

Link - A dual set skill. Allows the user to maintain a link with the other holder. Allowing each side to access skills from their "Partner".

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