A Foolish Lizard Arrives

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(Rimuru Perspective)

"Come on Shion, let me look after him for a bit."

"Sorry princess Shuna. But that job is mine currently."

"Says who?"

As the drowsiness feeling was leaving me. I began to wake up to the sound of what seemed to be women arguing.

"Huh? Who are you?" I said to the two unfamiliar women.

"Huh? How cruel Lord Rimuru. You don't remember us?" Said the pink hair woman as she started to shed fake tears. Oh, I think I remember now.

"You are Shuna, right?"

"Yes! You do remember me!" Shuna said happily. Meanwhile one-horn over here was slightly pouting.

"And you are Shion, correct?" After I said that she wuit pouting and was smiling brightly. I transformed into my human form and left the hut to check on things. Leaving them bewildered and putting pouts on their faces as well.

I began to take a walk around the village. I was seeing things that were not here before.I saw who I believe was Kurobe speaking with Kaijin. From what I could hear, they were talking about weapon and armor forging methods. I might ask them to make me a good sword later.

Further down I saw was who I think was Hakarou training some goblins. Ruthlessly. And Gobta is apart of that group. His face was so bruised to the point where you might not even recognize him.

In the distance, standing on a hill and facing the opposite direction, I think they were Benimaru. Who was there observing something I could not see. He seems to have not noticed I was awake. I'll go say hi to him then. In less than three seconds, I am standing right behind Benimaru.

"Hello There!" I said as loud as I could. Seems like I successfully scared him, because he turned around quickly with a surprised expression.

"Rimuru-sama! I am glad to see you are awake."

"Anyways, what are you watching?" I asked as I began to peer over to the other side of the hill.

"I was just watching Sakame and Kiyoko train with eachother." He said as I connected my sight on two people. A man with short black hair and eyes as blue as the ocean, fighting a woman with long white hair with few strands of red and red eyes. She seems to have gained 2 tails, adding up to five. She had boobs the size of Shions. They were both wearing the same thing as all of us.

Upon noticing Benimaru and I watching their sparring, they abruptly stopped and came running over.

"I have not been able to express how thankful I am for this beautiful name Rimuru-sama, thank you!" An angelic voice rang out through Rimurus ears. It held a sense of maturity mixed with that of childishness. Rimuru was close to losing his composure, but somehow he regained it in an instant.

"I-It's no big deal, no need to thank me."

'Damn! To think that she could make me lower my defenses that badly. I need practice.' I was lost in thought until...

"Rimuru-sama" I nearly jumped out of my body. Out of nowhere Souei popped out of right behind me.

"Who's there!? Oh it's you Souei. Is something the matter?" I let out a big sigh of relief. I nearly thought I was about to be assassinated.

"Firstly, I am glad to see your awake Rimuru-sama. Secondly, I spotted a group of lizardman recruiting other goblins from different villages. I expect they should arrive here before long."

Lizardmen? What could they be recruiting goblins for? Well whatever they want, I will not yield before them.

"How long until they arrive?"

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