Sucessful Evolution & Storm Dragon Returns

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The drowsiness has finally faded. I woke up to see all of my executives around me inside my office. They don't seem to have noticed that I was awake. So I just turned into my human form.

Upon this realization, they all dropped to their knees and began to speak in sync.

"Congratulations on your successful evolution to Demon Lord Status Lord Rimuru!" That was totally not creepy but, It is part of my goal and its all thanks to Milim. She really came through for me even though we had just met.

"Rimuru!" I heard a shout head towards me. In an instant it was Milim who grabbed me and picked me up in a hug.

"Well, aren't you gonna thank me?" Milim said with expectations

"Yeah, yeah. Thank you for giving me what I needed Milim." A bright smile was now very visible on her face. Very happy that I decided to become one of them I guess.

"Now, do you know what I wish to do?" Milim asked with a bit of a devious tone in her voice.

"What?" I asked, completely clueless about what she wanted.

"With you being a Demon Lord, I wish to fight you bestie!"


"Huh?" She seemed shocked by my answer. Probably because I felt like I couldn't beat her, but now I'm positive I can at least cause a bit of damage. But even now I don't completely know my stats.

'Great Sage, what do my stats look like?'

{The Unique Skill [Great Sage] has evolved into the Ultimate Skill [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom].}

'Hoh! So there was a step further to skills, Interesting. Anyways Raphael what do my stats look like.'

{Masters skills are the following

[Anos, Lord of Destruction]
-Demon King Physique-Enhances the Users body to gain immense strength, speed, durability, etc.

-Eyes of Destruction-The user gains access to even more magical eyes that serve a multitude of purposes

-Source-The user can revive themselves from nothing no matter how many times they die.

-Magic Domination-Perfect Control over any and all types of magic and spiritrons.

-Space-Time Domination-Manipulating and bending time and space to the users will, being able to move in an instant just by consciously thinking about it. Even allows the user to interfere with Time.

-Multi-Dimensional Barrier-Absolute Defense is achieved through the separation of spatial dimensions and several powerful barriers. Able to block anything the user can comprehend.

-Law Manipulation

-Parallel Existence-It allows the user to split their consciousness and give flesh to independent alter egos of themself

-Descendant Creation-Allows the user to create descendants that will share a fraction of the creators power if eligible.

-Magic Creation-Gives the user immense knowledge on magic in order to create the type of magic that they wish.

[Raphael, Lord of Wisdom]
-Thought Acceleration - Lets user extends their thoughts by up to a million times.

-Analytical Appraisal - Analyzes and assesses the target.

-Parallel Processing - Operates on any matter the user wishes to analyze, separating it from the regular thought process. Any process under Parallel Processing is affected by Mind Accelerate and therefore sped up by a million times.

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