War Against the Orcs

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Time-skip (this takes place after the meeting)

It has been 4 days since I sent Souei to offer the alliance to the lizardmen. Of course they could not afford to decline this alliance. If they didn't there was a chance they would have died, although I would not have allowed that.

Today we are currently setting off to the lizardmen territory to meet and discuss with their chieftain. The people coming with me are Benimaru, Sakame, Kiyoko, Shion, Hakarou, Souei, Ranga and a few goblin riders which include Gobta.


All of a sudden I received a [Thought Communication] From Souei.

(What is it Souei?)

(While I was scouting the area, I came across a fight. It is between an orc and the lizardman chieftain guard. Shall I intervene?)

(We have an alliance with them so I guess we should help them, but can you win?)


(Then they are all yours)

After giving him the go ahead I cut the communication in order to address everyone else.

"Everyone, step it up. We are riding to Souei's location."

Once said, the direwolves we are on picked up the pace so we can assist Souei, or so we thought. Once we arrived all that could be seen was pure carnage. The orcs body parts were everywhere, completely separated from their bodies as the ground was now died a bright crimson color with blood.

"He didn't save any fun for us." Said Benimaru

"It's a shame" Sakame responded to Benimaru

"Well don't be too upset." Kiyoko responded

"Kiyoko's right. After all we still have the main force to look forward to!" Shion added onto Kiyoko's statement.

'These guys really are battle hungry. Can't blame them though, since I am kinda like them after all.' I thought this while walking towards Souei. Once reaching him I noticed she was injured, so I used this as an opportunity to use my new unique skill [Heal].

"[Area Heal]" With her as my target I used this skill to see how much it can heal a person. After a few seconds her wound has closed and the blood that stained her had dissipated. Slowly she began to open her eyes, then she shot up from out of Souei's arms, confused as to how she is still alive.

"How am I alive? My wound should have been fatal. Who are you?" She said as she looked up at me.

"I am Rimuru Tempest"

Hearing my name, she then realized who was standing in front of her. All while she prostrated herself before me. I don't know why she did this, she could just be showing respect since I started this alliance.

"Lord Rimuru, Please save my people! My foolish brother started a revolution and overthrew our father! He is out facing the orcs, so I beg you please save my people and father!" I could not believe what I heard. That foolish lizard revolted. He is leading his people straight to their deaths. He does not know how much of a threat an orc lord is. I was about to respond but Shion beat me to it.

"Stand up. For you have potential due to noticing the power of Lord Rimuru."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

This girl. Well it's not like I was going to decline her wish anyways. But she really is proving to be more of a secretary, I think.

"Souei, take her back to their residence and save the chieftain and anyone else who needs it. Take some of these potions as well."

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