Incoming Threat and Info

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Rimuru was now outside his house, sitting on the doorstep after Ciel and his passionate night. He sat outside back in his True Dragon outfit, with a drink in hand as he admired the night sky.

"Seriously, I spend hours with her and she just kept wanting more and more. What am I going to do about her?" Rimuru said aloud as there was no-one nearby.

But somehow and somewhere he felt something... strange.

His senses locked onto something or someone inside Tempest. By now everyone should be in their homes sleeping, so it was unusual for someone to be out. In order to observe them from here he used his magic [Leaks] to spy on them.

Once used he looked all over Tempest to get a glimpse of who they were and what they wanted. After a few seconds of observation he found them.

There he saw a woman with hair as black as night and glowing purple eyes. She was wearing a long purple and black dress. It was styled like a dress a bridesmaid may be seen wearing.

Although he had a wife, Rimuru could not but be entranced by her beauty, but he soon snapped out if it while thinking to himself

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Although he had a wife, Rimuru could not but be entranced by her beauty, but he soon snapped out if it while thinking to himself.

'Stop it! I have a wife! None of that!' Rimuru thought to himself as he slapped both of his cheeks.

But as soon as he stopped his actions, he noticed that this woman was looking in his direction.

'She noticed me? How is that possible? No-one other than Guy has knowledge of this magic, so it shouldn't be possible to know about this.'


As Rimuru was thinking this, a hand appeared in front of his face and snapped, breaking him from his thoughts.

To Rimuru's surprise, it was the woman. Standing in front of him was this bewitching beauty with a smile. Rimuru jumped off the step in anticipation for some kind of attack. The woman merely looked back at him and began to giggle at his antics. Rimuru on the other hand looked confused. But soon after, her giggling came to a close as she began to address him.

"Hello there, Rimuru Tempest." Said the woman. Her voice was fairly calm, she spoke towards Rimuru with some ounce of respect and no fear towards him.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Rimuru said threateningly while taking his sword out if the [Imaginary Space].

"My name is Syn, but don't worry, I am not here for a fight. I am simply here to warn you." Her words took Rimuru back.

'Warn me? About what? So far no-one else has appeared and I am much stronger than I was before, so other than Guy, who and what could truly be a threat to me?'

"Warn me about what?" Rimuru said almost demanding an answer.

"About another individual, he comes from a separate Multiverse. In fact he comes from a multiverse below that of your own." She said.

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