Birth of the Fifth True Dragon

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Charybdis is still attached to Phobios body, If I ended up separating it completely it would flee from here to find another host, thus reviving itself. But with my set of skills, I should be able to prevent just that.

By using the Raphael to seperate Charybdis from Phobio and using [Beelzebub, Lord of Gluttony] in order to absorb it thus prevent it from fleeing this place.

It may have taken a while if it was still my unique skills but with these two it made my job a hell of a lot easier. Then Milim who was sitting to my right asked a question.

"How'd it go?"

"Fortunately, it was a success." Thus with this completed, I pulled a full potion out of my stomach and threw it on the unconscious beastman. Who now was not so unconscious. Everyone raised the guard or pointed their weapons at him.

"Ugh..... what...... happened?"

"Do you have any memory of what you did?" I asked him. This is my first time meeting him, so I need to put on a threatening face due to his idiocy.

"Who are you?" He questioned, still with his hand grabbing his head.

"I am Rimuru Tempest. The king of the country you attacked." Upon hearing my words, the beastman got on his hands and knees and bowed with his head touching the floor.

"I am so sorry! I know these words cannot make up for all I have done but please don't take my actions are Lord Carrions!" Well that was quick. Instantly he assumed I would take action against his own lord.

"Charybdis seal was in an unknown location, I am having a hard time believing that you just stumbled upon it. How did you find it?" Treyni asked.

"Answer her."

"There were two masked majin who lead me there." When he said that, I believe I saw Benimaru flare up upon hearing that part.

"Masked Majin? Did they look like this?"The one who asked was Gabiru, as he bent down to the ground and drew a face. The face had a wide smile with one eye closed and the other open.

"Gabiru, who is that?" I asked.

"He said he was with lord Gelmud. He called himself Laplace and said he was apart of a group called the Moderate Harlequin Alliance."

"No thats not it. One was a resemblant to that of a child, her mask had a neutral expression with a teardrop under one eye. The second was a heavyset man with an angry expression. They claimed they were apart of a demon lords army." Phobio corrected Gabiru, as I saw another flare up from Benimaru.

{Notice: There is another individual observing what is happening.} Hoh! Someone is observing us.

'Who is it?'

{I estimate that it is Demon Lord Carrion.} Well his Demon Lord is watching us. Cant wait to meet this guy.

"Did these two specifically say their names?"

"Umm..... They said their names were Footman and Tear."

"Footman and Tear. We shall remember those names." Benimaru said.

"Right, brother." Shuna agreed with him.

"Milim do you know anything about them?"

"I don't know why your looking at me. They seem interesting so I would like to meet them one day." Milim denied my suspicions.

"So you know nothing about them?" I asked a final time.

"They might work with Clayman." Who the hell is this?

"Clayman?" I had asked.

"He's one of the newer Demon Lords. He is the scheming type so thats why I thought he might be behind it."

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