Developments & Info Gathering

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Rimuru Perspective:

It has been 2 weeks since the orc invasion has come to a stop. Over the course of those two weeks a lot of events have transpired.

Such as forming an alliance with the lizardmen, the orcs, the dryads such as Treyni and my people of tempest. Once that alliance was setup I personally spent the next 8 days naming the surviving orcs from our war. Totaling 135,000 orcs were left over.

(A/N: I know the number was 150,000 orcs, but there was more people on his side meaning more casualties.)

With the labor being provided by the orcs, we have made many developments to my village, such as having running water. Another thing that came out of there labor was we could get more housing detailed and constructed.

But the one thing I have been personally trying to succeed in is how to use this 'Demon Lord Seed'. I take it as like a flower seed meaning you would need something to nourish it, but I have no reason to think that way other than it's name. All I truly know is maybe one of these authentic demon lords can tell me, but even then I'm not completely sure.

Aside from that, I used Shizue's skill she left behind called [Degenerate] to merge my skills [Predator] and [Starved] that I got from the orc lord and it made a new skill called [Gluttony]. Its an interesting skill that has its abundance of uses, I have also been trying to combine other skills but I didn't want to screw up and get something useless.

But there was one combination that seemed good using [Degenerate] I combined [Monster Ruler] and [Destruction] which created a new Unique Skill called [Chaos].

The sub-skills are as follows:

Eyes of Destruction: Allows the user to access a multitude of magical eyes that serve a multitude of purposes.

Monster Manipulation: The user can control as many as monsters within the visible range.

Offspring: The user can create monsters that are from their own race. The chance to create a a monster with an ego is 65%

Source Bondage- A combination of [Source] and [Soul Bondage]. Allows the user to revive themselves from nothingness via soul corridors formed. Saves 50% of the persons soul the user inhabited. Takes time to heal for resurrection.

The skill in itself just took in attributes from the Unique Skills I combined and further enhanced them. It made a skill that like the name implies, 'chaotic'. I have already tested out my [Gluttony] skill but I have nothing I can use [Chaos] on, just knowing I have it makes me want to use it as much as I can.

Brainstorm! I wonder if I can talk to Veldora, since he is in my [Stomach], He is pretty old so I wonder if I can ask him what to do for this Demon Lord Seed.

'[Great Sage], am I able to speak with Veldora?'

{Answer: Master is capable of speaking with both the individual Veldora Tempest and the Spirit Ifrit.}

'Oh right I forgot about Ifrit, I wonder what he's been doing in my stomach.'

{The individual Ifrit has been playing games with Veldora as well as sparring with him.}

'Games? Exactly how are they playing games? Wait don't tell me.'

{Correct, the individual Veldora has access to masters memories.}

They have been playing games they found in my memories. They better have stopped at my memories of games and not all of them. Well it's whatever for now, I will question him about what he saw when he's free of the [Unlimited Imprisonment].

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