Taming Chaos Incarnate

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(A/N: I decided since I havent mentioned "him" in awhile, this is a chapter so you don't forget him.)

Thousands of years ago in the cardinal world, a unknown monster appeared.

A Dragon.

Not a True Dragon but this dragon had enough power to beat all but one True Dragon.

Star King Dragon Veldanava

He could not defeat this one being.

The dragon god who created the entire multiverse. But even he was confused with the appearance of this unknown dragon.

He didn't create him, nor has he known about this dragons existence since the multiverses creation.

So just where did this dragon come from?

No one knew.

The dragon only knew of one thing...


It was just another mindless monster that was hellbent on the cardinal worlds destruction.

It took the combined forces of nearly every powerful entity on the planet to try and stop him but even so they failed to stop him.

Even though this monster was hellbent on nothing more than destroying everything in its path, Veldanava took an interest in it.

Although this being was capable of destroying all the inhabitants of the cardinal world and the cardinal world itself. But Veldanava intervened before it got too far.

"[Dimensional Anomaly]"

This spell Veldanava used seals a target between the gaps that separate each universe in the multiverse. As well as binding them within an infinite amount of spatial dimensions, rendering all uses of skills and spells useless. He could try all he wanted to destroy this seal, but it was all useless.

Veldanava was strong enough to kill this dragon, but instead he decided to seal him because he took up an interest in this dragon.

He believed that after some time, this dragon would gain his own sense of self and in the end seek something besides destruction.

He hoped that he was right about how this dragon would turn out. But he knew he would not be able to see it.

567,394 years later:

The dragon named Ivarage continues to be trapped within Veldanavas seal.

Here he lies unbothered by any signs of life, with nothing to destroy he does not bother with even moving.

But that was until now.

Ivarage wakes up because he sent a presence within his prison.

However he didn't know where this presence came from. He felt it all around him yet it wasn't not even a second later.

It was like this being was running laps around him faster than he could perceive.

However, Ivarages destructive tendencies returned once more as this presence was within his prison.

The unknown being noticed this hostility directed towards him from the dragon. So he retaliated.

Faster than Ivarage could react, the being pierced his spiritual body over and over again causing massive amounts of damage. This being a space where physical forms are not allowed and any physical life-form that tries to enter will be destroyed.

The once great dragon who nearly destroyed the world screamed out in pain. A great amount of pain he has never felt even when he fought the strongest that world had to offer.

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