Charybdis Arrives

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After that talk I had with the idiot trio and their guildmaster, I said my goodbyes to them and retreated towards my office. Upon entry I saw Veldora laying on a couch fast asleep. Taking advantage of this, I silently crept towards the unknowing dragon and lowered my mouth to his ear.

"Wake up you lazy dragon!" I shouted directly into his ear. While he did wake up, he was more confused as to why I did it.

"Rimuru! Why did you do that?!"

"Your not doing anything, that's why." I answered him calmly.

"What am I suppose to do?! All I did was read the sacred texts in your stomach!"

"Oh right." I wonder if this will work.

'Raphael, are you able to recreate a manga from my memories?'

{Yes, but that is a waste of my abilities.}

'No it isn't. This is one of the best ways to use it!'

Well in the end Raphael obeyed my commands and with the paper I had store in my stomach printed the manga for Dragon Ball Super. I took it out of my stomach and flaunted it off to Veldora.

"Is this something you wanted Veldora?" I asked him with a somewhat wicked smile. He saw what I had in hand and started holding out his hands as if he gonna pounce on it.

"I'll give you this if you promise to fight me later. I want to see how I stack against a True Dragon, understood?"

"Hm? Is that all? Kuhahaha! Very well Rimuru, I would also like to see how strong you are compared to me!" Hearing his answer, I tossed him the manga to which he caught with a satisfied face. I went to go take my seat at my desk, but out of nowhere I felt an ominous presence.

Then it appeared in front of me. No it looked more like a person. Similar to that of Treyni but she has shorter hair and has an ominous aura around her.

"Who are you exactly?"

"Rimuru Tempest-sama I am the younger sister of Treyni, my name is Trya. I have come to warn you of an approaching calamity. The monster Charybdis has been revived."

'Treyni has a little sister? Also, Charybdis? What is that? Ugh! To many questions in my head.'

{Answer: Charybdis is a creature born from a cloud of the individual Veldoras magicules.}

'So in a sense it's like me. Wait does that mean we are kinda like siblings?' Well anyways lets just get back to the problem at hand.

"Hoh! That child of mine has returned? I thought it was sealed away. Rimuru we must kill it!"

'He sure is gung-ho about proposing the idea of killing something that can be called his own child.' Well lets just contact Benimaru.

(Benimaru, gather the executives and meet in our designated meeting room.)

(Hai! But is there a problem Rimuru-sama?)

(I'll inform everyone once were all in the same place.) After saying such I cut the line and motioned for Veldora and Trya to follow me. We arrived in short time since the meeting room was in the same building as my office. I took my seat at the head, Veldora took up a couch and started reading his manga, while Trya took a seat at the end of the table.

As we waited one by one my executives were entering the room and took their seats. Well except for Shion, she just stood behind me.

The participants of this meeting were,

Milim who came in earlier after all her eating.
And screw it the idiot trio and Fuze as well. Once everyone was seated, it was time that I began the meeting.

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