Turn of Events

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According to Ciel, this holy knight called Hinata was on her way here again to try and destroy us once more. Apparently she is also supposed to arrive within 2 days.

I wanted to have my subordinates handle it, but they just want to handle the small fry's.

Why do they want to do that? I had no idea, but luckily they have told me now.

Apparently they are upset that they do not get the chance to see me in action. So they just want to handle the small fry so they can win quickly and return to see me fight. But I don't know if I will entertain that idea. Having them fight will let me know their strengths and weaknesses firsthand, so I think I will have them fight for now and deny their request so I can learn visually. I on the other hand will be fighting that holy knight.

But that is the thing. From my knowledge, other than the Octagram and True Dragons practically everyone are small fry to us. Its honestly annoying, I want to fight someone I might lose against. Maybe Guy can be that opponent. But I'll probably ask as soon as this encounter is over.

Moving on from that topic, Leon Cromwell is also coming today. Guy has told him about my acceptance of his request for Ramiris. So he is on his way with the kids who are doomed to die. Ciel says he is supposed to be here within the hour. Mostly preparing them since for some reason Guy is bringing him here to make his trip faster.

Ciel on the other hand is out with Shinsha and Shalsha, leaving me all to my lonesome. I have nothing to do other than coming up with possible combinations of skills or the combining of sub-skills. I would like Ciels input on my ideas before I actually implement them though. Don't want something that might go on a rampage.

"H-Hello." Out of nowhere, a mysterious voice was heard. I was alone in my office and I used [Universal Sense] to detect anyone nearby, but there was no one. So there could only be one place this voice originated from to my knowledge.

The [Imaginary Space]

I entered my personal dimension and began to look around. But I could not figure it out.

"Oh, Rimuru!" But now I heard that annoying brother of mine.

"Did you hear it?!" Veldora questioned me all excited like. He was in my imaginary space because he liked the space and wanted to use it for training. Since it is infinite I had no problem with it anyways. But according to him, I was supposed to hear something. Was that voice related to him?

"Hear what? What was I supposed to hear?" I asked.

"Quickly! Bring that Charybdis core here!" He bellowed. So I just followed what he wanted me to do. I brought Charybdis' core right to us.

"P-Please." The voice occurred again. No. It cant be.

'What? Did I just hear that right? The core talked?" I thought.

"Veldora, what did you do?! Charybdis might try to go on a rampage!" I yelled at the tsundere dragon. He stepped back unknowing why I was mad.

"What?! I didn't do anything but spend a little time with them." He answered.

"But why is it speaking? From what I recall, Charybdis is supposed to be non-intelligent. So how is it speaking? It lacks a sense of self or in other words an 'Ego'."

"Well, you have had it stored in here for quite some time. Plus where the core was stored, it had a view as to everything going on in the outside world." Veldora answered.

"So what your telling me is, it was experiencing what I was going through and while doing that it was developing it's own sense of self?" I summed up what Veldora had explained.

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