Daughters Might & Experiments

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"Hello Darling!" Ciel yelled as soon as she noticed that I had entered the [Imaginary Space]. The current landscape of this area resembles the jura forest.

"You seem really happy." I said to her.

"Why wouldn't I be? Our girls are learning how to fight! So I went ahead and started making some unique skills for each of them! Since they can share each-others skills it doesn't matter who has what!" Ciel shouted in excitement.

"Uncle!" I heard another voice coming from my side. I looked in that direction to see Velraiha rushing at me. She wrapped her arms around me in a hug so I did the same.

"Good to see you again Velraiha, but it has only been a few hours since we last saw each-other."

"I know, but I love my family, so even hours feel like an eternity!" She said with a bright smile.

"Good to hear." I responded to her sweet words.

"Anyways Ciel, have the girls gained any new skills?"

"Of course! When they were first born, Shinsha was born with the skill Predator, so I made it go the same route as you with it becoming Gluttony. So that means both of them have it now." Ciel explained.

"How is their proficiency with that skill so far?"

"Unlike when I was great sage with you, I am a better use in helping them achieve mastery over this skill. So if we compare when you had the skill to them, their proficiency exceeds yours at that time."

Once again I am being shocked by what is right under my nose. But they are my daughters after all.

'Greatness is all that awaits them!' I thought triumphantly. But I felt a cold stare coming from my left. It was as freezing as Velzard but lets do our best to ignore that.

"A-Anyways, *ahem* Gluttony had the sub-skill [Stomach] but since they share the same skill does that mean the each have their own stomach or do they share a singular space?" I asked curiously. Ciel kept looking at me in disbelief but soon after stopped and began to explain.

"I had the same thoughts when we began training. After a few lessons I learned that they each have their own [Stomach]. But in the end they can also access the others [Stomach]. Whether it is to store or remove an isolated item, the other can do just that."

"So they are not limited to their own finite space. Sounds handy but I didn't run out of space in my stomach. I mean just with [Predator] absorbing Veldora took up about 30% of the space."

"Shinsha! Shalsha! Can you come over her?" Ciel had yelled out to the girls.

""Ok mama!"" They responded and ran over to the three of us. Immediately they gave me a hug. A tight one at that like they didn't want to let go ever. As painful as it was, I had to push them off so I can do what I wanted to.

"Ciel, can you display their stats to us?"

"Fufu, of course dear." Ciel said.

Name: Shinsha Tempest

Protection: Void Crest

Race: Ultimate Slime

Ep: 264,789 (529,578 when combined with Shalsha Tempest)

Unique Skills:

Link- A dual set skill. Allows the user to maintain a link with the other holder. Allowing each side to access skills from their "Partner".

Fusion - Allows the user to fuse or combine existences with a partner of the same race who is either slightly weaker, slightly stronger or equal to.


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