Eve of War

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It was after I just returned from the dwarven kingdom. I decided to slump around as I waited for this Walpurgis to come around. But that had to wait because my girls wanted to spend some time with Ciel and I.

As we were walking around the town, I could hear some wandering whispers.

"Who is that lady next to Rimuru-sama?"

"I don't know, but she is beautiful."

"I'm so jealous of her."

"Is that Rimuru-samas wife?"

"Cant be! Right?"

Those were but a few of the thoughts the citizens voiced out. I turned to look at Ciel as we were walking, but to my surprise her face was bright red.

Which should not be possible.

But it is what I saw.

I'm guessing she might be very embarrassed from what everyone is speculating. But that soon went away when Shalsha flashed her a bright smile. Seems like she is enjoying not just my company, but Shinsha and Shalsha as well.

"Papa! Mama! Lets go there!" Shinsha shouted as she pointed at a ice cream stand. I could almost see the non-existent drool coming from their mouths as they looked at us in anticipation.

But the voices around us changed suddenly. Multiple pairs of eyes were on all four of us.

It seems like with Shinshas words everyones thoughts were confirmed. Ciel was in fact my wife in the eyes of Tempest now.

Not that they were that important, I just decided to ignore the uproar. But in my head I could see two heavily depressed oni women.

{I have an announcement.}

Suddenly the air around Ciel changed from the cute side I was just witnessing to a more serious and threatening one.

'What is it?'

{Would you like to hear the good news or bad news first?}

'I guess I will go with the good news.'

{The good news is, through further skill synthesis and combination. The Ultimate Skill [Anos, Lord of Destruction] has gained 2 more sub-skill. It is called [Tyrant]. The user is capable of destroying even the effects of other ultimate skills and things such as magicules. All depending on how much magicules the user possesses. If the user has infinite magicules, ultimate skills prove useless so I suggest master observes Milim. The second sub-skill is called [Learner]. It allows the user to completely copy a skill by seeing it visually without my assistance. I managed to gain some information surrounding this as Demon Lord Guy tried to copy what any skill you had.}


I am starstruck.

How is something this powerful?!

With this I could be considered the upper echelons or maybe even the very top of power in this world.

'But wait..... why should I observe Milim?'

{The answer is simple. I took an observation from one of masters previous memories with your fight against Milim. She used an unfamiliar energy source at that time, which I can assume she has a skill for to generate that energy. The energy is magicules in its most condensed state. The energy that fills Masters [Imaginary Space] could be considered the opposite to this energy, so if master manages to make a copy of that skill I can turn it into something more useful!}

'Well..... isn't that just even more shocking? Hah! This crazy manas always finding ways to experiment on me.' I though as I let out a hefty sight.

And wait...

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