Saving the Goblins

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Once out of the cave, I began just hopping in one direction. This is the forest that was under Veldora's protection, and I have to say it's beautiful.

I kept hopping in one direction until I came across a group of little green men. They had weapons in their hands, but they looked to weak to wield them. They were also shaking while looking at me. Were they perhaps afraid of me?

I wonder if I can communicate with them. To attempt this I tried to use [Ultrasonic Waves] skill that I got from a bat to communicate with them.

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Rimuru the slime!"

As I said that.... It seemed to bring them to their knees in what I think was fear. But it looks like I cant regulate it properly yet.

"Please, strong one! we understand you have overwhelming power! We beg you, please lower your voice!!!"

I lowered my voice so as to not hurt them anymore.

"Do you wish to ask me anything?"

After everything Veldora told me, I came to the conclusion that this world is very interesting, even for a fantasy world. What if I were to create my own territory, maybe even be something like a demon lord. I'll start off as king of monsters, we will see about demon lord in the future.

"O strong one, we can see how powerful you are, so I beg of you please help out our village!"

Hmm? That is interesting. I guess my wish will come true after all. I can become a king and gain friends out of this.

"I shall help you. You may lead the way to your village."

The goblins seemed to brighten up at my words as they got up from the ground and proceeded to lead me to their village. Once we arrived I noticed something. These houses are very poorly built and the other goblins also looked as if they would keel over at any second. 

After a few steps into the village, a old and frail looking goblin approached us and asked the goblin wearing the red bandana to follow him, and that one prompted me to follow him as well. Of course I followed them and they led me to a tent, which I assume is the elders.

Once inside they offered me a seat or stump for me to place myself and they sat across from me.

"Strong one, I thank you for agreeing to help us in our time of need, I am the elder of this village." Said the elder upon sitting down.

"It is not a problem also I am Rimuru Tempest, now please state your problem." 

"Very well. With the disappearance of the storm dragon who was this forests deity, the direwolves have started trying to claim more territory. And as such they have been killing off us goblins, my eldest son has recently died protecting us. It usually takes 10 goblins to kill one direwolf. I guess now you can see our problem, as we face extinction."

Damn. This is a pretty bad problem for the goblins. I cannot let them die, if I can help then I will. But I must not seem weak here, I have to make myself look like a strong person.

"I shall help you with your problem, but what will I gain out of it." Once I said that they both seemed shocked. They probably didn't know what to offer me in return for my protection. Until I heard a commotion outside.

The three of us left the tent to see what happened, as we heard howling in the distance. Everyone was screaming in a panic, worried about what is to come. I must put a stop to this commotion. But before I could say anything the elder beat me to it.

"Lord Rimuru, if you help we shall give you our unwavering loyalty!" The elder shouted as well as prostrating himself before me. Shocked upon seeing their leader bow everyone else in the village bowed before me. 

"Thank you, now until the day I die, you shall have my protection."

Everyone in the village seemed to brighten up at this. 

"Elder, do you have any injured?"

"Yes, please follow me lord Rimuru."

A few steps away was another tent, upon entrance I saw goblins lying on the floor, barely alive with sheets stained with blood covering them. 

"Forgive me for asking Rimuru-sama, but why did you want to see the injured?"

I didn't say anything. Instead I just walked forward and proceeded to absorb one of the injured. This action surprised the elder as I heard him gasp. Lets get this over with. Once I absorbed him, I threw one of the potions I made from the herbs at him. 

"It worked!"

Once again, another gasp left the elders mouth. Upon seeing that my plan worked I absorbed the rest, healed them, then spit them out. 

'Well time to put the rest of my plan into action.'

"Elder, please gather some goblins have them gather some wood."

"Alright, Rimuru-sama."


The sun has now set and I have seen nighttime in this new world for the first time. As I looked up at the beautiful night sky, I heard the wolves howling in the distance.

"I guess the show is about to start." 

I hopped towards the edge of the fence I ordered the goblins to make. Upon reaching the area I saw the direwolves and had the goblins ready their bows. Instantly the direwolves charged at the gate, but they were shot down by my goblins and the ones that were not killed by the arrows were struck down by my [Steel Thread]. The direwolf seemed to eye me after this.

"You! Is this your doing!?"

"Why don't you come find out." 

Angered by my taunt, he ignored another wolfs concern and charged forward taking down my threads in the process. He pounced high in the air as he was about to strike me down.

"Now die!"

Kyaaaa! Psyche. Before he touched the ground, I bound him up with my [Steel Thread], rendering him helpless.

"Grrrrr! This will not hold me!"

I figured, but I don't want to kill this one. He would be a good addition to what I plan to make. Lets make him submit instead. So I began to tighten my threads to the point where it felt like they would tear his limbs off. He began grunting in pain.

"Had enough yet? I don't want to kill you so just submit already." 

"We proud direwolves will never submit before a mere slime!"

He still does not want to submit. One more try, if this doesn't work I guess I'll kill him. So I released my aura putting even more pressure on not just him but the other wolves and even the goblins too.

"Very well. My pack shall yield to you."

Great! It seemed like he realized he can't win against me.

"That's great! It will be nice to have you here with us!"

And so, the battle against the direwolves came to a close. New allies have joined us in this village and I am one step closer to the life I wish for in this world.

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