After the War

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It has been 3 days since our war with that foolish nation has ended. 

As expected there were no causalities on our side at all. Having powerful subordinates will do that to for you.

Out of the 150,000 soldiers to attack us, there are only four survivors.

The King of Farmus

An Archbishop named Reyheim 

That girl from their sneak attack named Kirara

And supposably the strongest mage in their kingdom. I would have not known anything about him if it wasn't for Ciel, but his name is Razen.

There was five but I dealt with her already. Her name was Myulan. Before the war started, I learned from Ciel that there would be an 'Inside Man' here. Turns out they have been here for a few days already. I further learned that she was a subordinate of Demon Lord Clayman. He tasked her with putting a barrier up in Tempest to weaken us. It's not like she could refuse, because if she did Clayman would kill her. Her heart was quite literally in his hands. 

So what do I do? I free her. Simple as that. I removed the fake heart he put inside her and then gave her a pseudo heart. The thing was.... I sorta had to kill her in order to save her. The kind of bastards who control their subordinates like that piss me off. And he has had a hand in why my nation has been attacked. Although we fended it off with no casualties on our side does not mean he will get away with this. I now have a new target.... Lets see if he can face me.

Although they have only been in our prison for three days so far. They are how you say..... Mentally broken already. Well only the three guys, I told Shion to leave her alone until I had a word with her.

Shion, along with a while ago when I just evolved into a demon lord, she received a new Unique Skill called [Cook]. Lucky thing with that is now her food tastes good. The reason for that is because her unique skill allows her to interfere with the laws of this world, but to simplify it she can cut her desired outcome into reality. To make it worse, this can be used for combat of course and now we have three meat cubes inside of our prison cells.

But forget that now because it kinda makes me sick.

But as there was news that the kingdom of Farmus has attacked Tempest with the intent to annihilate us. That part is already known to the world. King Gazel even sent his concerns and was about to head out to offer some help after he heard the war was over. He had some other concerns as well, but I dismissed them and told him he had no reason to check up and to just relax. He sounded pretty mad with my laid back attitude towards this, but I assured him I already knew of his concerns and dismissed them properly.

During this downtime we had, the idiot trio along with Fuze returned. I get the feeling they were concerned about the war, But I felt that they more likely just wanted to visit us. But with this squad there was one more person. They called themselves Erald. 

Apparently this man was Erens father, and out of nowhere this man was preparing to attack me for supposedly "Taking his Daughter". 

I kid you not.

I mean she did also reveal she was a elf. 

If Ciel was not my wife, the chances that I would take Eren as my wife was high.

So after some talks with that overprotective idiot, they are staying here for a bit. Eren and her friends I am not so sure about. They might just try to move here.

But screw every mundane thing that has happened. Time for something exciting!

With Guy and Velzard gone it is time for my next trick. Although Ramiris is still here, she has began reading manga with Veldora for some reason.

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