Date Night

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(I would like to make a quick announcement. The next chapter will contain what is called 'Lemon'. I dont know why I put it. Maybe because I wanted to try my hand at it so there. But if you expect me to constantly write this. I wont. Only sometimes and when I am feeling it. Thank You and Goodnight.)

I have since returned from my announcement to the demons. Since then Diablo and the demoness trio had also returned from there, with their chosen ones. I proceeded to give them their names and bodies created courtesy of Ciel. So now I am back in my office. Doing what you ask? Just enjoying the sleeping faces of my two daughters.

"You seem to be really enjoying yourself Rimuru." Ciel had teased me.

"Can you blame me? I wish they could have been born the way that I am used to." I said. Which in turn caused Ciels face to emit a bright red color. Hehe, she really thought she can tease me anymore. I am immune to that now.

"Anyways, is there anything you would like to do Ciel?" I turned towards her and asked. She seemed confused as to what I was asking. But she answered anyways.

"Whatever master wishes to do I shall obey." She answered in a way like she used to. Even went back to calling me master. Why did she revert back into the person who's sole purpose is to keep me happy. I got up from my position and walked over to her. She was sitting on a couch so I bent down enough so that I am eye level with her. This of course caused her to blush.

"Ciel. I am asking you what you want to do. It is something for you to decide for yourself. I will not make the decision for you." Ciel appeared a little flustered from what I had done, but I don't care right now. As someone who will be by my side for eternity, she will have to make her own decisions and choices at times.

"I-I would like to go on a walk around Tempest." She answered shyly. Is that really all she wants to do?

"B-But not right now. I have to think about something." She added on.

"If you have to think about something, I recommend going into the hot springs." I said.

"T-Thank you for your concern." She got up from her seat and walked over to the door about to leave. As she opened it, I saw another presence on the other side.

It was Veldora.

"Yo Ciel, How ar-" He said to her, but she simply brushed him off so he turned towards me.

"Did I come at a wrong time or..." Veldora asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"No, I don't think so. She probably just has some stuff to work out." I responded to his worries. He walked inside the room and took a seat on the couch across from where Shinsha and Shalsha were sleeping. I took a seat at my desk.

"Are you sure something didn't happen between you?" He asked. This is weird, I have never seen him act like this before.

"Well, she is a manas after all. I'm sure it's nothing big. Now what are you here for?"

"Oh, Ramiris told me about her plan of living here now, so I thought about bringing it up to you." Veldora said.

"Hmm? Unless her living here brings some sort of benefit, then the answer is no."

"I thought you might say that, but what about her labyrinth skill?"

"Her what?" I asked.

As soon as Veldora arrived, a discussion about the problem of Ramiris has taken place. In the end both were in agreement that she can take up residence in the nation of Tempest, since her presence does come with benefits for all three of them. Ramiris gets a new place to stay, the same goes for Veldora. But for Rimuru, this labyrinth would be a way to obtain money inside of Tempest.

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