Demon Slime vs Dragonoid

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After freeing Veldora, I learned what he has been doing all this time in my stomach. Turns out he was enjoying life in there a bit too much. As he engrossed himself in 'Sacred Texts'. Or to put it simply, Manga. He was engrossed in manga this entire time. As well as the only game him and Ifrit were playing was Shogi. So much so that Veldora won I believe over 150 times, I believe he had to have cheated in some of those but its whatever.

Exiting the cave I saw a beautiful sunset, with the old man to my right.

"Ahh! Feeling the suns rays after so long, feels amazing."

"Also, do you mind cutting back on that Aura of yours? I don't want my people getting hurt now. Like compact it please."

"Oh, you mean like that."

"Like wha-"


Veldora began to imitate a certain 'Saiyan raised on earth' as I saw his hair flare up like he was going 'Super Saiyan'. This idiot is really copying manga techniques. But surprising his power up seemed more like a power down as his energy was getting smaller and smaller.

"Well, that does it. Good job brother."

"Kuhahaha! Thank you, the sacred texts have solutions to many problems!"

'He really did try something from Dragon Ball.'

As much as I wanted to confront him about that, I decided to not focus on it and we both headed down to town. And there was everyone in one place, I don't know why. But Kiyoko and Benimaru both ran up to me.

"Lord Rimuru, thank god your safe!"Kiyoko yelled as well as hugged me.

"Calm down. Did something happen?" I asked confused as to what they were on edge about.

"We sensed the presence of the storm dragon. We figured he returned." Benimaru answered.

"Well he did." I nonchalantly answered.

"Huh." The look of surprise on Benimarus face was hilarious.

"I have someone to introduce Tempest to. This man here is my sworn brother, Veldora Tempest." I said hitting his chest.

"Well said Rimuru! Kuhahaha!"

Everyone did not appear to believe it. Well until Treyni appeared and knelt in front of Veldora.

"Lord Veldora, it is great to see you have returned."

"Oh, a dryad. If I remember your name is Treyni."

"Ara, it makes me glad you remembered my name Veldora-sama."

"Of course. Kuhahaha!"

Seeing how Treyni was kneeling before Veldora and addressing him as such, everyone has come to the realization that this was indeed the storm dragon.

"Well lets not make to big of a deal out of this, wheres Milim? I would like to begin our fight." I guess she heard me because she instantly bolted to the very front, smiling wide with stars in her eyes.

"We will be taking this high in the sky alright."

"Ok!" Milim flew up in the sky fast as hell and all excited. Of course I flew right up behind her, right after telling Veldora I will fight him later as well. Which caused a smirk to appear on his face as well.

Once high enough, we stopped going up any further. From there we just looked at each other. The fight was merely on the horizon.

"Are you ready Milim?"

"Of course bestie!"

Before starting I enhanced myself using [Demon King Physique]. I may be lacking compared to her in base stats but this just might make up for the difference.

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