Meeting New Races

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The Idiot trio has just left in return to a nation called "Blumund". To report about our town and the passing of Shizu. Me? Currently I am away from the village, as I just saw the Goblin Riders off.

I've been walking in my newly acquired human form, which is one of the things Shizu left behind for me. I have been walking away from the village in search of monsters to test my skills on. Mostly other of my magic eyes. The one im taking a liking to is this [Stone Stare]. Its kinda a medusa type skill. Except instead of completely turning the target into stone I can determine what to turn to stone.

'Man these skills are fun!'

As I just finished killing a hive of these ants, I heard what sounded like combat in the distance. Curious about it, of course I ran to the area to check it out. What I saw was what looked to be a three tailed fox that was injured while being protected by a what looked like a wolf beastman.

I looked to see who they were fighting. I don't know what race they were, If I had to say they resembled what looked like orcs from the video games I played before. But they were wearing full plated armor along with helmets. They numbered 2

The beastman looked exhausted. He is covered in cuts and bruises all while bleeding profusely. He looked as if he would drop dead. Ill help this guy out. Not wanting to prolong this I used my destructive eyes to just make the orcs explode. Due to my barrier It prevented any blood getting on me. The other two though not so much.

"Who's there! Show yourself!" He seems on edge I get it. But you saw how the orcs died, I could kill you with a passing glance. Well I guess I'll introduce myself.

"Calm down, I'm not here to harm you." I may have said that but they were still on guard. I know how to get them to trust me.

"Here take this."

"What is that?"

"It's a potion created by me. It will heal you both, so please trust me." He was staring at the potions on my hand, still not sure whether to trust me or not. It took a while but he did end up taking them and giving one to the fox. They noticed their wounds were healing and got surprised, or at least I think the fox was surprised.

"I am sorry to have doubted your words." Both of them were bowing with heads touching the ground. What is with people bowing so much to me?

"It's no big deal. Now if I may ask, what happened to the both of you?"

"Yes. Me and this one lived in the same village to the North of here. Recently we had gotten overrun by some orcs. This one and I are the only survivors of our village. We have been roaming here to hopefully find refuge." This was shocking information. They were overrun by orcs.

"Do either of you have names?" He looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Are we supposed to?"

"No, it just makes things easier for me, as well as benefits you if you have one. For now follow me to my village and we can talk mo-"

{Notice: Urgent request for aid has been sent by the individual known as Ranga.}

Uh-oh. If this is urgent, they must be in some sort of danger. Hopefully no orcs.

"Change of plans follow me, but were not headed to my village."

'Lead me there Great Sage.'


With that in place I bolted for Rangas location with the other two following behind me.

Getting closer to Rangas position, I began to lear the sounds of blades clashing, as well as loud howling. From Ranga I presume. Once we arrived to the area, I noticed there were many goblins on the ground. I checked one of their bodies for injuries, luckily there were none so they weren't dead.

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