Unknown Monster

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(YAY!!!! I can start making the massive changes I wanted to implement. But this will be a short chapter.)

The sky is red.

The exact shade of red that would represent the crimson glow of blood.

The crimson red sky is accompanied by screams full of dread and resentment.

The very scene was gut wrenching and horrifying.

On the ground the kingdom known as Ingracia was burning to the ground. Monsters were killing the civilians left and right trying to obtain something. They were tearing the very world apart.

Country after country would be brought to their knees or be reduced to ashes.

The one leading this attack has already destroyed countless worlds and devoured universes.

He himself has already taken care of the strongest this universe has to offer.

The Eight Star Demon Lords

He treated them like they were ants before them.

This world has already obtained peace. They were enjoying their time after cleaning up all threats they had to deal with.

Even their strongest member....

Rimuru Tempest

Could not help but to die by his hands.

The 12 Patrons

The True Dragons

The Octagram

The Black Numbers

The True Heroes

No one could even do the slightest bit of damage. It was infuriating for them. They were the strongest of this world after all.

With Rimuru being the strongest in the universe rather this multiverse. To which even he failed to defeat this monster.

Above Ingracia, there is a lone being, clad entirely black. His face is covered due to the cloak they are wearing. But from the front you could see long white hair flowing down their shoulders.

They appeared to be observing or rather they are waiting for something to transpire. But an interesting development has occurred.

With no one left to challenge him meant no challengers left to kill his rampaging monsters. With that factor taken care of, massive cracks began to appear.

The crack glowed red like straight out of an apocalypse movie.

The world was shaking tremendously. People were unable to stand. Unknowing for why they are suffering once more.

One unanimous thought among the people still alive were....

'Where are they?'

'Have they abandoned us?'

For once they prayed that the demon lords would save them.

The people they sometimes despised and hated for their actions. They were now praying for their Savior.

With his knowledge, this mysterious being knew of their thoughts. As he let out a evil smirk.

The world began to shake even more violently. The cracks in the world began to glow brighter and brighter.

What followed next was devastating.

The world was destroyed.

Nothing left.

All that remained was this cloaked being.

A smile grew wide on his face as he was overtook with maniacal laughter.

His goal had been completed.

What he was after has finally been obtained.

His laughter has now died down.

'Has it been obtained?'

{Notice: With the destruction of this world, its multiverse has collapsed in on itself. The Multiverse seed has been obtained from the cardinal world.}

'Thank you for the response. On to the next dimensions multiverse. Who is there?'

{The one who will grow to be the strongest, Rimuru Tempest.}

'Ugh! He is always an anomaly. Strong by their standards but pathetic to me. Is there any difference with this one?'

{Yes. This one has two daughters. His growth rate is high. He has already evolved into a True Dragon before the Falmuth war.}

'Oh! Is that right?! He might actually be someone I can try against.'

It was then that this being had a thought.

'You know, before I destroy that place, why don't I play with them abit. Cause some chaos you know. I want to have an actual opponent after all.'

{Understood Master.}

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