Scorch Dragon Visit

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(Turns out. Currently I would be unable to revise this as I lack the time to do it properly. So I will stick with this and see how it goes down the long run.)

"Hah!" I woke up screaming. It felt weird. From what I remember, I entered an evolution type state.

{I am glad to see darling awake.} Ciel said from out of nowhere.

'Nice to see you too. But how long has it been.?' I asked.

{It has been four days. In truth your evolution took 2 days. But I gave you more time to rest yourself before this day.} She said.

'Oh thats right. That introduction to all the other races begins today. How much longer? Also what changed throughout my evolution?'

{The races are already gathered into one area. You simply have to arrive there. Shinsha, Shalsha and I are already there. Regarding your evolution, no changes occurred. You are simply able to create a infinite multiverse from the seed.}

'Ok, I'll be there.' I said before cutting off the communication. But I have one problem myself. Should I give Shinsha and Shalsha the Ultimate Skills now or wait when they get stronger? To be on the safe side I guess I can wait. After all, their growth is crazy with Ciel helping them.

With that final thought gone, I exited the space and appeared right on the throne reserved for me.

My entrance shocked everyone to say the least. Then I started getting barraged with questions for my whereabouts. I just simply ignored them. Ciel was looking at me with a smile on my face, just as Shalsha came over to me with an expectant look.

"Is something wrong sweetie?" I asked her because she was just staring up at me. Then suddenly, she raised her arms up in my direction.

"Up." That was all she spoke. One simple word. Her expression looked as if she didn't get what she wanted she would cry. So naturally, I panicked and picked her up as soon as possible.

She now had a happy smile on her face.

"Sweetie, why did you want to be picked up?" I asked her.

"Sister and I can't sit upon the same throne, that is mothers lap. So I needed my own." She said as she directed her smile up towards me. She then just buried her face into my chest.

"Hah... let the first group in. But first who are they?" I asked. Shuna then moved to receive the first guests.

"They are the Gozu and Mezu tribes. Apparently they have been having an ongoing war for the past century. In terms of strength, they are superior to you average ogre." Testarossa explained.

"Wait they have been at war with eachother for the past century? And is their conflict with the other over?"

"Correct my lord. And no, they are simply on hold." Ultima answered.

"What is the chances of them doing what I am thinking?" I thought as I could feel myself getting a headache.

"They could be trying to use the status and power of your title of a demon lord to destroy the other tribe." Benimaru caught on to my worries.

"Exactly." I said.

"Oooh! Then would you like for me to destroy them my lord?" Carrera asked with a excited face.

"No. Don't do that yet. However if they cause far too much trouble for us... you may kill their leaders. Do that and it might scare the others into submission and even stop their conflict." I said. Of course I would save that as my last option. I don't want to kill just for the sake of killing. If they cause problems like the church has, then destroy them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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