New Family Members

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To put things shorter, It has been a day since my evolution. By the time we returned, everyone had approached me wondering why the felt a change in our soul corridor. Of course I had to tell them about my evolution. Soon after revealing this, they now dubbed yesterday as "Lord Rimurus became a True Dragon" day. So now that day is a celebratory event.

Rather than Charybdis' defeat, it is remembered for my evolution. I know right, but I would suppose a True Dragon is more impressive than Charybdis.

But currently, I am inside my office doing paperwork while I am debating something with myself. That something is whether I should create a descendant or not. In my past life I did kinda want to be a father, but you know. Died a virgin and never had a girlfriend at all. Considering I have no desire for anything sexual due to losing my sex drive, creating one with my skill does seem like the best route.

'Ciel, what do you think about this?'

{I think that if master wishes to have a child, then he should go for it. After all I shall be masters number one wife!}

Hm? What was that? I think I heard Ciel say something really suspicious.

'Did you say something?'

{Nope! It was only your imagination.}

Yeah, I can already tell she is going to do that alot. But well I guess since she basically did give me her opinion. So I guess I shall create a child of mine.

"Well, lets get this started shall we." Getting up from my seat, I headed into the middle of my office and prepared to create my new child. Due to the message I received from Demon Lord Carrion, he notified me that his envoy would be sent so we also have to get ours ready.

At that moment, I used my [Descendant Creation] sub skill of [Anos, Lord of Destruction] to create my newborn. In a moment I two things form in front of me.

'Weird. I could swear I only created one.' I thought to myself.

What formed in-front of me were two completely pink slimes.

'That is also weird. I thought all of us were blue in color.'

{The Creation is a success. The reason the new slimes are pink is because they were not born mindless but born with an ego. Due to them being self aware and even though they are genderless, they see themselves as girls.}

Well, thats some info to take in. I have not one but two children and they are both girls. So I also guess this means that they are twins.


Hm? I think I heard one of them say something. So I bent down in order to hear them better.


And now the other one said something. Argh! I don't know who to pay attention to. Until this happened.




The newborn slimes jumped at me after saying such a thing. This was unexpected so I ended up crashing to the ground, making a hell of a lot of noise. Which in turn woke up the storm dragon who was asleep on the couch, which I forgot to mention earlier.

"Gahhh!" He bolted awake, startled by the noise. He frantically observed the surroundings until his vision settled on me being trampled by two slimes.

"Rimuru? What is going on here!? And where did those slimes come from?"

"Sorry about waking you up, Veldora." I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"And, these slimes, I created them. And it seems like they recognize me as a father." Once I said this his tone changed. He was dead silent, but then a huge smile swept across his face rather quickly.

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