Paying the Consequences

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The holy knights day of reckoning has arrived.

According to Ciel they should be arriving today. And she would be correct about that. I have my [universal sense] surrounding the entire jura forest, so I would know exactly when they step foot in my territory.

They have already entered my forest and are on their way here. That Hinata woman appears to be with a group of people. Meanwhile there is a completely separate group coming here on riding horses.

Ciel had told about this beforehand, so I set up a trap for them to enter.

You see whether I had my Universal Sense active or not I would have been able to sense their arrival. That is because the moment they entered my territory, they had stepped foot inside my [Imaginary Space]. With that I also detected 3 others hiding themselves among Hinatas group.

Their reasons for such a tactic. I am unsure, but it must be bad if they are hiding from her.

But it was as I thought. Without an Ultimate Skill they were unable to detect what had happened. So as things go right now they still believe they are walking inside the genuine jura forest.

I don't wish to use any of my troops for such a weak opponent, hopefully I will be able to use them later. But for this opponent... I want them to regret ever making an enemy out of me... I want to make them fear what will happen if they try something like ever again. I had sent out a few of my strongest to decimate them.

Diablo is a no-go since I sent him else where. That elsewhere is to deal with the foolish brother of the king of farmus. I sent Him, Hakarou, and Souei to deal with that nuisance. But for this attacking force, Shion will take the on alone. I will have Zegion, Benimaru, Sakame, Kiyoko take on the four nuisances with Hinata. The three tailing them Carrion and Frey will decimate. And for Hinata... the fourth strongest existence in Tempest will take her on.

'Heh, I can already see how this will play out. Everyone is ready and waiting for you to arrive.' I thought as I disguised my presence over where the battle is suppose to take place.

'Give my subordinates and Velraiha a good fight please.' I thought with a evil smirk, waiting for them to arrive.

Third Person Pov:

The day has arrived for Hinata and her group of knights to arrive in the Monster Nation of Tempest. The trip itself went smoothly but as they closer approached their destination, they didn't feel fear of going into enemy territory or even a hint of nervousness.

They were merely confident that if things took a turn for the worst, they could defeat the newborn demon lord as well as his country.

All of the holy knights apart of the "Ten Great Saints" felt this way. They were all under the misguided delusion that they were the strongest after True Dragons. They even believed that together even a single True Dragon would fall before them.

Hinata felt that confidence radiate from them and it was for this reason she pitied them. They were never fortunate enough to feel the might of a True Demon Lord, much less a True Dragon.

'They have no idea what we are getting ourselves into.' Hinata thought to herself. But she could not be angry at them for thinking this. If she herself had not met Demon Lord Luminous, she would have been the same. Deluded into thinking she could beat anyone.

But here they are entering the territory to someone even a True Demon Lord is afraid of angering. As well as a person who Luminous called a True Dragon. Unlucky for them, they had already fallen into a trap. Set by the very person they are going to see.

"Listen up! If this ends up as a fight, I do not want you to harm innocents." Hinata said towards her fellow knights.

"But Hinata-sama!" A male knights by the name of Arnaud shouted.

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