Arrest and Banishment

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It may have taken a few days, but we have finally arrived at Dwargon. We were still a far distance away from the main gate, but we won't all be entering.

"I apologize to everyone here, but we all can't enter. If we enter as a group, we might appear threatening." Everyone seemed to understand this, but nonetheless they were disappointed.

"Gobta you will be coming since you have been here."

"Are you sure you don't want any more backup, Rimuru-sama?" Rigur said.

"Yeah, you guys can wait here we won't be long anyways."

"If that is your wish my lord." Ranga said reluctantly.

I grabbed Gobta, and we made our way off the hill and arrived at the gate. Even though there was a long line. With how long this is we might take an hour. But all of a sudden two idiots came up behind us and started threatening us. Saying things like they were gonna abduct and sell us. Even though Gobta is kinda goofy, he is still my friend. I won't allow fools like this threaten my friends.

"Gobta close your eyes and cover your ears. Do not look at what I'm about to do." He obliged easily.

Instead of giving them another chance. I used my skill [Destruction] to break their minds. It was an attack I called [Mental Devastator] from one of my magic eyes through the unique skill. The effects of this was weaker than another attack I made from that eye, as they should last only a day, then they will be back to normal.

They screamed in agony from this skill. Everyone else in line of course noticed this and figured I had something to do with this. Not wanting to be next they ran out of fear that I would get them next.

"Hey! What's all the commotion?" A guard seems to have run over here. I will figure my way out of this.

Well. I got arrested. Seems like I was more arrested as a suspect. I dragged Gobta into this mess. And now here he is asleep with me in a prison cell. I'll keep him here. In order to keep him here, I tied him with [Stick Steel Thread]. As I finished this some guard came running in the prison in a frenzy. Screaming about a Armorsaurus attacked in their mines. In order to make a good impression on them, I offered some of my potion which I filled a barrel with. They were reluctant at first, but I guess they had no choice but to trust me.

Time-skip 4 hours

It has been 4 hours since they left, to think this emergency would take this long. As I was entertaining myself with [Sticky Steel Thread], one of the guards came back with 3 others. He thanked me for giving them the potion because if I hadn't these three would have died in the mines. Those three thanked me as well and then left to go work I guess. The guard named 'Kaidou' gave me an offer for giving them the potion. I took it of course and wanted to meet a blacksmith so I can make a deal with him.

He accepted to help me meet a blacksmith. And so I said my goodbyes to the unconscious Gobta and left the prison.

It was my first time in a foreign nation, and I have to say it looks nice for an underground city. This just proves that I have to do better when I make my territory.

We arrived in front of what looks like a blacksmith shop. In the windows it displayed multiple set of what may be high grade armor. I have some standards to surpass in this world.

Once we entered, I saw the walls lined with all kinds of weapons, such as swords, spears, axes. As well as amor stands full of armor. In the very front of the room was a dwarf who was shirtless, striking a hammer down of what I assume is a sword.

"Hey, Kaijin!" Upon hearing the guards words this dwarf called Kaijin turned to look at us.\

"This slime here has been asking me to show his some craftsmen, so I started with you." Hoh. I was the topic of a conversation.

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