The Octagram Begins

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(Lackluster chapter incoming)

After these events were over, I guess it was time to resume the meeting till it is officially over. Every member of the Ten Great Demon Lords converged back to the newly replaced roundtable and took their seats.

With both problems for why this Walpurgis started being resolved it was time to get back on track with, whatever happens at these meetings.

Except now, Ciel is sitting on my lap with her arms around my neck all while wearing a satisfactory smile. Shinsha and Shalsha were back to sitting with Velzard eating more cookies.

I'm going to need a better understanding as to why she is behaving so boldly. It wasn't that long ago when she was nervous of calling me Rimuru rather than Master, so what changed?

'Maybe it was something she talked about with Velzard back at the ice palace.' As I was thinking of why she was behaving so openly, Guy began talking.

"With both issues for why Walpurgis has been called being resolved, our time for meeting is over. But before I call this meeting over, I would like to give anyone else the floor to speak." Guy said.

Responding to his offer, Demon Lord Carrion raised his hand.

(A/N:Here comes another change😄)

"If I may." Carrion said. Guy simply gestured for him to state his reasoning. I began to sip on some tea I took out of my imaginary space.

"These past few days up to now were nothing short of great battles. During that time I fought Milim and found out just how weak I truly am. Compared to the monstrous battle Rimuru gave her and came out on top, I am out of my league. So I would like to denounce my status as a Demon Lord to serve Demon Lord Rimuru." I just about did an entire spit take from hearing this.

'He wants to serve me?! Why would a demon lord want to serve me?!'

"Carrion, what is this?! Why haven't I heard about this?!" I shouted at the beastman in confusion. Ciel was still holding onto me tightly, with her expression remaining as someone who is in nothing short of bliss and ecstasy.

"Because I just thought of it. Serving a friend wouldn't be so bad. Plus when you sent that Benimaru and Sakame to Eurazania, I took a liking to them." Said Carrion as he strolled around the table and put an arm on my shoulder.

"I would like to add on to that." The Harpy, Demon Lord Frey proceeded to speak next.

"After witnessing the battle that took place earlier, I have come to the conclusion that I find myself to weak to be a Demon Lord."

"Frey, you specialize in high speed aerial battles. Theres no need to depreciate yourself." The one who spoke up was Dagruel.

"Thats true, but as Clayman was while fighting that woman sitting in his lap." She pointed towards Ciel before continuing.

"We would have equally matched. But against how Clayman was when fighting him, he would have destroyed me. A Demon Lord does not pick their battlefield, so it is not an excuse for me. So I would also like to serve Demon Lord Rimuru."

"Pfft! What?!" I performed another spit-take upon hearing this.

"I apologize for surprising you, but please hear my reason." She said while taking a slight bow.

"Alright, I'll listen."

"Thank you. You have already heard how I feel unfit in the strength department for being a demon lord. Through the battle I just witnessed between yourself and Milim, I came to that conclusion after my many thoughts on the matter. I had already thought about serving Milim if I made the choice, but due to the relationship between both of you, I believe it does not matter who I serve. So I have chosen you to serve while I can keep my eyes on Milim." She finished.

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