Chapter 2:

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We struggled to find parking and I was relieved that we got there early so we still had time to make it to our class and get settled before the lecture began. When we found the classroom, we made our way towards some seats in the middle and soon other students began piling in. We got a few looks from some of the other students, but we figured it was because we were the only two quietly chatting like best friends do. It also could be because we are new to campus. A gorgeous man entered the classroom and walked up front connecting his laptop to the projector. He introduced himself as Professor Sebastian Stan and when I glanced at Emma to comment about how gorgeous he was, she was basically drooling on herself. We made eye contact before she whispered "hot damn" to me and we giggled. Professor Stan was tall, with beautiful blue eyes and muscles that seem to be outlined in his dress shirt. He had the cutest cleft chin and a gorgeous heartwarming smile. He continued to introduce himself and discussed what we would be learning in his class that semester and how it would be applicable to our degree in marketing. There would be a focus on social media advertisement which I felt would be helpful both for our future jobs as well as our Instagram jobs that we are currently were doing now. It definitely sounds like a win-win. After he dismissed the class, Professor Stan went back to the front and began unhooking his laptop and gathering his items. Emma and I grabbed our stuff and she seemed speechless for the first time in her life. I elbowed her as we walked to the front of the class where I said "Have a nice day!" to Professor Stan.

He replied "You too, ladies" with that gorgeous panty dropping smile and I swear Emma almost swooned. She smiled back brightly and gave a little wave as we left his class.

We headed toward our next class which was marketing with a Professor Evans and we had about 20 minutes before it started so we went to the restroom before heading towards the classroom. I jokingly told Emma that it was the first time I'd ever seen her so shy and we discussed how handsome our advertisement teacher was. A few minutes after we settled into our next classroom, I was stunned into silence. The most handsome guy I had ever seen walked in and began setting up at the front of the classroom. He was wearing a tight blue dress shirt that made his arms look like they were going to bust out of the sleeves as he rolled the them up while looking at his laptop. I looked at Emma and she smirked back and muttered something about karma being a bitch. If this was my karma, then I must've been one hell of a good girl. The rest of the classroom filled in and the gorgeous male model up front introduced himself as Professor Chris Evans while smiling brightly. He went over the syllabus and talked about the learning targets of the class and major requirements throughout the semester. Every single time we made eye contact, I blushed profusely and could barely focus on what he was saying. Professor Evans had brown hair and a perfectly trimmed beard. He had the most piercing blue eyes and was tall and muscular with broad shoulders. I spent the majority of the class wondering how Boston University snagged such insanely handsome teachers and noticed the rest of the females in the class also seemed to be awe struck. When it was time to go, he dismissed the class and we quickly gathered our items and headed towards the door. I made eye contact with Professor Evans and it was me this time who smiled and gave a little wave. He smiled back and watched as Emma and I left the classroom.

"Holy shit" I breathed when we finally made it to the car. Emma began laughing hysterically because she felt the same way about Professor Stan as I did towards Professor Evans.

"I mean, God really went the extra mile for those two!" she said and I nodded in agreement. We still had one more class but it wasn't for another two hours so we went out for some lunch.

When we made it back to campus, we parked and headed to our business communications class with Professor Mackie. He was also extremely good looking and we were taking genuinely astonished at our luck to get to stare at these gorgeous men every day. Not that we thought we had a chance in hell with any of them, but we still decided to make sure we tried to look decently cute every day from this point on just in case. Our eyes were never this blessed at NYU which was surprising. In our business communications class, we met two people who were really friendly in front of us also here for their master's degree. They also were in Professor Evans class with us. Their names were Tom Holland and Elizabeth Olsen. They overheard us chatting about how you must be a male model to get hired here and playfully agreed with us. After class, we headed back to the townhouse and put on Grey's Anatomy reruns while worked out in the living room. We were used to exercising daily from our cheerleading days so we kept the habit and took turns on our treadmill that we kept in the living room. It didn't exactly go with our interior design theme but it was necessary for us. While Em did the treadmill, I did weights and yoga and then we swapped. It had been such a routine for us and we genuinely enjoyed it. Maybe we were a bit codependent but I was so grateful that we had each other since all of our families were still in the south. After our workouts, I made us some grilled chicken and veggies for supper and then we cleaned up the kitchen. We got ready for bed and I laid in bed and scrolled through social media for about an hour before I went to sleep.

The next day was a similar routine, except today was Tuesday and we had a data collection and analytics class, and then finance and economics class to attend. We decided to keep it casual today and go with jeans and a plain top.

 We decided to keep it casual today and go with jeans and a plain top

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@katykat25: Deuces

Photo cred: @emmagwaytobe

@emmagwaytobe: Day 2 OOTD

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@emmagwaytobe: Day 2 OOTD

The day went much like the day before. We got to campus and found our two classes and smirked widely at each other when both of our professors for the day walked in and also looked like actual Gods. Professor Hemsworth had an Australian accent and was extremely tall with blonde hair and a sexy five o'clock shadow. This man was insanely ripped and looked like he could be on the cover of men's health magazine. We both noticed he was wearing a wedding band and we weren't shocked that someone had snatched this dude up. Professor Hiddleston was also tall, gorgeous and had a gorgeous British accent that made everything he said sound intelligent and erotic. He also seemed to be wearing a wedding band. We knew we didn't have shot with any of our professors but it couldn't hurt to day dream.

We spent the ride to the grocery store bantering back and forth about which accent was sexier, Australian or British.

"I swear, I could listen to either of them read the phone book and be completely content for the rest of my life" I said while laughing.

"I want to meet the job recruiter who convinced these men to come to BU and shake their hand while thanking them profusely." Emma joked.

After gathering our groceries, we left the grocery store and went home and the rest of the night continued as normal. We did our workouts, ate dinner, and then went about our normal routines. 

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now