Chapter 43:

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We're all in the living room arguing about what movie we should watch when Scott arrives and Dodger bounds into the living room. He sees Chris and then runs straight for me and knocks me over on the couch with his kisses.

"Hi buddy! It's so good to see you sweet boy! You are the best boy, yes you are!" I tell him in my obnoxious baby voice while scratching his belly.

"Dude, your dog likes Katy better than you!" Sebastian points and laughs.

"Can't say I blame him!" Mackie chuckles.

"Really Dodge? Not even going to come see me?" Dodger looks up at him and wags his tail but makes no move to leave my lap and his belly scratches and I can't help but feel smug about it.

Scott comes over and sits beside me and lays his head on my shoulder.

"How are you feeling Scotty?"

"I'm doing fine, I can't imagine Mackie feels the same." He laughs and Mackie agrees.

"It was a rough morning but after throwing up all of the contents in my stomach I am surviving." He says.

We decide to watch some action movie because the boys outvoted the girls. We are all piled on the couches. Emma, Sebastian, and Mackie are on one couch, and Scott, Chris and myself are on the other. Emma makes two bags of popcorn and Dodger curls up between me and Chris. It's not as awkward as I had imagined it being, especially since Scott and Mackie were still here. I wasn't completely immune to him sitting so closely beside me and the smell of his cologne brought flashes of us tangled in the sheets during our last movie day into my mind. Stop it! I tell myself. I peek out of the corner of my eye and see him glance up and smirk at me.

I jump up. "I'm getting a water. Anybody want one?" I say and thanks to the salty popcorn, they all want something. Chris stands up and offers to help me. Well, I was trying to get some space from him to clear my brain and that didn't go as planned.

I stand in front of the fridge and start handing out the drinks that everyone asked for.

"Are you okay?" He asks me warily feeling my uneasiness.

"Yup. Never better." I tell him.

"What is it?" He knows me too well and can tell by my fidgeting. I sigh and he waits expectantly.

"I just started thinking about our last movie day together and needed to clear my mind."

He smiles, "That was the best movie day. No others can compare."

"That's because we barely watched one movie before our extracurriculars began." I say smugly.

"Exactly!" he says with a wicked smile.

"Behave." I tell him sternly.

"I'm trying." He says as he looks down at me. We carry the drinks back into the living room and disperse them out. Dodger has moved over to rest his head on Scott which means I am now going to be closer to Chris.

"Em, where'd you get that blanket?" I ask her but as she points, Chris grabs one for me since he knows Sebastian's house better than I do.

"Thank you!" I tell him.

"You have to share since I gave you the last blanket. It's only fair." I arch my eyebrow at him but give him some of the blanket and pull my knees up to wrap my arms around them. We settle into a comfortable silence as we watch a movie about British spies, and it ends up actually being a good movie. I discreetly reply to Henry's text when Chris goes to the restroom, telling him that I'm excited to see him and I'll text him when I arrive on Wednesday.

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now