Chapter 73:

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"You are perfect, Katy. I've never wanted anything more than you." He whispers and I feel my cheeks blush as I smile at him.

"Take a bath with me?" he asks and I smile and nod. He rolls off of the bed and heads to the bathroom where I hear the tub turn on and begin filling up. A few moments later, he steps out and tells me he's going to grab something from the kitchen. I use this opportunity to stand up and I feel like a newborn baby deer as I try to get my legs to work. I go pee and clean myself up a little. I grab a hair tie from my makeup bag and throw my hair into a bun when Chris returns to the bathroom with champagne glasses and chocolate covered strawberries. He sets them down and turns off the water to the tub as I watch him light some candles around the bathtub before dimming the lights. He plays some soft piano music from his phone on the counter.

"You went above and beyond." I say gesturing towards the desserts.

"I wanted you to feel special." He says somewhat shyly as he sets everything down near the tub. He holds his hand out to help me step in, before he steps in behind me. We sink down into the delicious bubbles that smell like lavender and I smile when he tells me he also added some Epsom salts to the water as well.

We clink our champagne glasses as I settle back against his chest and rest my head on his shoulder. I nuzzle into his neck slightly and he kisses the top of my head before offering me a strawberry.

"How did you become so romantic? This is incredible." I say to him and he smiles.

"I plan to spend every day trying to make you feel as amazing as you are, Princess. I want to show you how you deserve to be treated for as long as you'll let me. I can't promise you that I won't screw up, because I'm an imperfect person, but I want you to know that I will do everything in my power to show you that the second chance you gave me was not a mistake."

"I...I trust you. You've proven yourself, and I slowly started to trust you again. Please don't break my heart and trust again." Chris smiles widely at my confession and the water sloshes as he wraps his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Never, I swear to you." He breathes against my head.

We relax in the bathtub for what feels like hours as I gently scratch Chris's thighs with my nails and lightly massages my arms and shoulders. We talk about all kinds of different topics including grad school and our upcoming trip home in December. I feel myself starting to get drowsy as the water begins to cool.

"Are you ready to get in bed, Sweetheart?" He asks and I nod as I yawn. I stand up and Chris quickly follows before wrapping us each in our fluffy towels and pulling the drain on the bathtub. I blow out the candles and make my way to my toiletry bag and remove my makeup. Chris hands me my toothbrush and we brush our teeth. I watch him in the mirror and still can't wrap my brain around the fact that I have such an amazing man. Is he my boyfriend? I mean, we certainly act like it. We're spending the holidays together so it certainly seems that way. We are possessive over each other but haven't officially declared what we are with a label. It all seems kind of silly that we haven't had a specific conversation. I guess I should add that to my list of discussions that we need to have but I want to just enjoy tonight.

When we get back into the bedroom, Chris smiles a cheeky smile and says, "No clothes in the bedroom" while wiggling his eyebrows at me. I laugh loudly and pull my towel from my body and turn to hang it up in the bathroom. I grab my purse from the chair and take my phone and charger out and plug it into the wall next to the bed. I notice that I have a text as Chris is picking up our clothes from the floor.

Henry: I miss you so much.

Henry: I wish you lived in Cali.

I choose not to respond because I honestly don't know what to say. I'm with Chris but I obviously still care for Henry as well. I know he was supposed to go out drinking with his roommate tonight so I figure he's probably just tipsy texting. I resolve that I'll check on him tomorrow and set my phone back on the nightstand as I climb into the crisp white sheets on Chris's bed.

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now