Chapter 13:

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Our waiter arrived and we ordered our food and drinks at the same time. He quickly brought our drinks out first as we were laughing at some of the off the wall comments we would get on our posts. We always tried to find the most random ones to show to each other. Several of our friends from our home towns commented, as well as undergrad friends. The rest were followers we gained through modeling or simply having a large social media presence. 

As we were laughing at a comment that Emma received on her post, I heard a familiar deep voice say, "This really must be your favorite place to eat." I immediately glanced up and saw Mr. Evans and Mr. Stan approaching us as they were making their way to a table. 

I smiled vibrantly and replied to Chris, "What can I say, I know what I like! How are you guys doing tonight?"

"We are great, thank you. You both look beautiful. Are you out celebrating something tonight?" Chris asked while I blushed furiously.

"Emma turns 25 tomorrow so we thought we'd have our best friend dinner tonight." I giggle.

"Happy birthday, Emma!" Sebastian says.

"Thank you!" Emma replied. "Would you guys like to join us?"

"Oh, we certainly don't want to interrupt something as important as a best friend dinner." He smirked.

"We insist!" I said bravely while gesturing towards the two empty chairs. Chris immediately sat in the one next to me, while Sebastian took the one next to Emma.

"Are you 25 as well Katy?" Chris asked me.

"A lady usually never reveals her age but just this once I will make an exception." I wink at him. "Yes, I turned 25 in June"

"Really? My birthday is June 13th. When is yours?" Chris responds.

"Mine is the 22nd. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm 32." He said quickly. I've always had a thing for older guys so that certainly didn't hurt my feelings. Hopefully he didn't think it was weird. I smile and nod at his response.

"Well, do you have anything fun planned other than your best friend dinner?" Sebastian asked Emma.

"Yes actually, some of girlfriends from undergrad are coming from New York to spend the weekend with us. We are planning on going dancing at that club in town, Upscale. I've never been but read good things about it online."

"Oh, we've been there before." Sebastian replies. "It's a lot of fun but be prepared for it to be insanely crowded. Also, don't leave your drinks unattended. I know you both are probably already aware of that but I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." He smiles at Emma who is fiercely blushing at this point.

The waiter comes back and takes Chris and Sebastian's food and drink order, and Emma and I order another round of drinks for ourselves.

Emma and Sebastian easily jump into their own conversation which prompts Chris to ask me about the photoshoot last weekend. We discussed different aspects of it before diving into my plans for the future and what type of job I would like to find after graduation. We talked about how different it was for me growing up in the south compared to his childhood in Boston. The conversation flowed easily. He seemed genuinely interested in getting to know more about me and I was certainly interested in learning about him.

Our food arrived shortly after and I couldn't help but smile widely when Sebastian put his arm behind Emma's chair when he was laughing at something she told him. Chris smirked at me and I boldly winked back at him. He smiled widely and I couldn't help but get captivated by his ocean blue eyes.

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now