*Chapter 50:

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The scene has Henry leave such gentle kisses down my neck and he looks at me so lovingly. I know he's going to make such an incredible actor because I'm struggling to not believe he actually feels that way with how deeply he's staring into my eyes. 

Each time he stares into my eyes and runs his hand through my hair next to my cheek, I have to force myself to remember that it's just acting so that I don't catch feelings for someone who truly can't be more than a temporary fling. When Stacy is satisfied with everything, she tells us we can leave. She says that her and some of the other people on the team will be going through the film pieces on a big screen so that they can be certain that they won't need any reshoots tomorrow that include us. She tells us to come to the suites at 8 am tomorrow just in case they need to have us film anything additionally. Someone kindly brought us our robes and I was able to cover myself up before climbing out of the bed we spent the majority of the afternoon in. We headed back to the suites that had our clothes and quickly got dressed. I made sure to thank every person that we met or worked with for their kindness. After getting changed, Henry was waiting on one of the couches for me. Before we left, Stacy found us and brought us each a gift bag with a bottle of the perfume. I thanked her several times for such an incredible experience as well as for the perfume. She told Henry that he could give it to his girlfriend or mother since he didn't have much use for perfume. He was very gracious and thanked her as well. I took a picture of mine and so I could add it to my Instagram later. We hugged Stacy again and told her that we would see her in the morning ready for reshoots. As we walked out of the room, Henry offered me his arm.

"Can I take you out to dinner?" He asks. I smile brightly and tell him yes. We each go to our own hotel rooms to change for dinner but luckily my hair and makeup is still in great shape from filming since we were inside. I had a lace top that I thought would pair well with some black ripped skinny jeans and black heels that I had brought. I changed and brushed my hair before adding some additional lipstick. I sent a selfie to Emma who had checked in earlier when I didn't have my phone with me. She quickly responded telling me that I looked hot and to check in with her when I could.

Henry came to my hotel room to properly pick me up for our dinner date.

"As always, you look absolutely flawless love." He says upon greeting me.

"So do you, Hen. Always so handsome." I say before reaching up to my tip toes to kiss him gently. "Where are we going?"

"A restaurant called Sierra Mar. I was able to get us a reservation and supposed to be a beautiful view. Shall we?"

He leads me out to his car and opens the door for me. When we arrive at the restaurant, I am shocked by the view. The restaurant is encased in beautiful floor length windows that look out over the cliffs and ocean. It's absolutely stunning. We spend a lovely evening talking about his family and mine. We also talk about his roommate, Matt who is also an actor. He tells me about his hobbies and we discuss the types of books and movies we enjoy. There isn't a single moment of awkward silence and I'm finding myself just grateful to have met him and connected on such a deep level. After we finish our meal, I offer to pay and he adamantly refuses. 

"Darling, I love that you offer but I would certainly not allow that." He tells me sweetly.

"Thank you, Henry. Truly, this has been the most amazing night. Now let's get back to the hotel so we can make it even better." I say with a sexy smile and he grins from ear to ear. We snap a quick picture together before we leave.

When we get into the car, we only have about twenty minutes until we are back at the hotel but I can't help myself. Knowing we only have one more full day together before I possibly never see him again, I want to make the most of our time together. He has made me so happy this week. I've been able to push the sadness about Chris to the back of my mind for the most part and just focus on being content. 

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now