Chapter 94:

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of waffles and coffee which is instantly comforting. I grab my phone from the nightstand and see that it's 8:34 am and Emma has checked in just making sure that I'm okay. I text back to fill her in on the updates about my dad coming to town and my nightmare last night but that I'm doing alright and Chris is taking great care of me. My dad sends me his flight plans and it appears he will be arriving to Boston around 3:45pm this afternoon so I respond and let him know that I'll be at the airport to pick him up and can't wait to see him. It will be comforting to hug my dad and see him for a day or two. Classes start on Thursday and since today is Monday, I only have a few days of the break left. I head to the bathroom to take care of my business. As I brush my teeth, I take stock of how my injuries are healing. The scratch can easily be covered so it's the least of my concerns. My neck still looks horrible and now includes yellow bruising in addition to the previous purple and blue. My eye is healing but still has a lot red blood throughout it. I'm hoping I can get that to clear up in the next few days because that's the creepiest to look at. The rest can be covered with make up or a stylish scarf until healed.

I make my way into the kitchen where I hear Chris muttering to himself.

"Shit!" he says while dropping a plate on the counter and running his hand under cold water.

"Baby? Did you burn your hand?" I ask.

"Oh! Damn. I was trying to surprise you. Yeah, I was putting waffles on that plate from the waffle maker and didn't realize how hot it would be underneath from the steam. I'm alright though."

"Well this was quite the surprise, love. I woke up to the smell and immediately needed to find my way to it. Thank you!" I said while turning him around and placing a passionate kiss on his lips. Chris pulled away and I pouted as he was still keeping me at arm's length. Was it because of how I looked with the injuries? I mean, I knew I wasn't very attractive at the moment but am I that hideous that he doesn't even want to kiss me? Is he punishing himself because he feels he is to blame for what happened? Should I give it another day or go ahead talk to him? What is going on?

"Baby? Did you hear me? I asked if you wanted fruit on your waffle? Blueberries or strawberries?" Chris interrupted my internal turmoil.

"Um, strawberries sound delicious. Thank you, you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble but you know these are my favorites." I said with a small smile.

"I'd do anything for you." He replied. Except kiss or touch me, I think.

We eat our breakfast and I thank Chris for taking such great care of me last night but other than that we don't talk much about my nightmare. We discuss my dad's impending visit and decide that he will stay here at Chris's house in a guest bedroom because currently that's where I feel most comfortable. We will go to my house and get some more clothes today and unpack my new year's bag there. He offered to go with me to pick my dad up from the airport as well. Just as I'm about to talk to him about barely touching me, other than the comfort touches he provided last night, Lisa pulls up in the driveway and I'm thrilled because I get to see Dodger who I've missed terribly. Lisa lets herself in the front door and Dodger immediately runs like a wild man through the house smelling everything before he finds me as I'm the closest to him. He jumps up on me giving me several kisses before running to Chris and doing the same. He goes back and forth between us showering us with affection before sticking with me because I'm providing the belly rubs. Chris helps Lisa take all of the food to the kitchen and store it away while I'm doting on Dodger and I hear them whispering back and forth so I continue to let them have their moment. Hopefully Chris will take some pressure off of himself after talking with his mom.

A minute or two goes by before Lisa enters the living room again and I stand up almost embarrassed of my injuries to give her a hug. She looks at me with such motherly love and tears in her eyes before hugging me tightly.

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now