Chapter 9:

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Wednesday morning, Emma woke me up with coffee and I began to get ready for the day. I decided I was going to do my best to not obsess on yesterday's events and just focus on the day ahead of me. I was hoping that Evans wouldn't bring up the jumbotron kiss, but if he did I would just tell him the truth. I have nothing to hide. After Professor Stan's class, we got to Professor Evans class early like we always do. We don't intend to get there that early but it's such a short walk from the advertisement class yet not enough time to go and do anything substantial like grab a coffee. 

We walked in and Chris immediately smirked at me.

"I wasn't sure if you'd come in blaring "We are the champions" or something since your team beat my beloved Sox." Oh, thank god he wasn't a sore loser.

I giggle and tell him, "No way. I know how to be a graceful winner. In all honesty, I'm not even that much of a fan so I don't have much of a reason to rub your face in it."

He glanced down before replying, "Is your boyfriend one of the players? I couldn't help but notice the kiss cam scene."

Well fuck. He saw. There goes my plan.

I could feel Emma's eyes on me as I attempt to explain. "He's my ex. We broke up over a year ago and since he was in town he asked us to go and support. We split amicably but I was just as shocked as the rest of the stadium when he pulled that little stunt. He claimed he was saving me from having to kiss a stranger." I replied quickly.

Chris just nodded and looked into my eyes. It felt like he was staring into my soul. I don't know what he was looking for but I panicked and started to word vomit in attempt to relieve some of the tension.

"So, your brother seems really nice. Did y'all have a good time? I mean, I know the Sox lost but at least you got some quality family time with Scott, right?" Ugh I hate when I ramble like this. Someone please stop me.

Chris smiled and said, "Scott and I are extremely close so unfortunately I rarely go more than three days without him busting into my house and eating my food. It's a blessing and a curse. We did have a good time until about half way through." He stared into my eyes. Am I sensing jealousy?

"Oh, because the Mets made a comeback?" I asked stupidly.

"Yeah." Chris said while rubbing the back of his neck.

Students started to trickle in and I knew our conversation was over. I awkwardly smile and start taking out my stuff for class. Lizzy and Tom walk in and are arguing about different superheroes. Tom is trying his best to convince Lizzy that Captain America is the best super hero. Lizzy disagrees and claims Superman is clearly better because he can fly. I don't know much about either, other than my brother used to read the comics, so I just listen to them cutely banter back and forth and try to collect my thoughts. When class is over, I notice a pretty redhead who is also in the class go to Evans and start asking a question about something from our lesson. She's batting her eyelashes at him and clearly trying to garner his attention. I can't say I blame her. He chuckles at something she says and I look away. I gather my stuff and make a hasty exit without a second glance. I don't need to see Evans flirting with another girl. Even if he is not interested in me, there's no reason to hurt my own feelings by watching.

The rest of the week was uneventful and when Friday morning rolled around and my alarm started blaring at 5:30 am I wanted to bury my head under the covers and never leave my bed. I had a quick shower where I exfoliated and shaved everything in order to prepare for any outfit or upclose shots. After years of modeling, I learned that was the most important thing. Emma was still sleeping so I grabbed a cup of coffee and quietly left the townhouse to head to the photoshoot. It was about a forty-minute drive to the studio and the whole way I chastised myself internally for letting myself get caught up in the daydream that is Chris Evans. I needed to keep my focus on realistic things and maybe I would eventually stumble upon the right person for me. I reminded myself that I'm young and have plenty of time to fall in love after my career is thriving. It was definitely hard to be alone sometimes especially when you are raised in the south where most young women are married and popping out babies by twenty-five. I knew that I wanted a husband and family eventually, but it didn't ease the loneliness that I often felt now. 

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now