Chapter 15:

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The guys grab our hands and follow us to the dance floor. I glance over at Molly and Kristen who are fully involved in their own make out sessions and had missed all of the drama that we encountered at the bar.

I start shaking my hips when Chris walks up to me and jokingly yells over the pulsating music into my ear "Are you going to punch me if I touch you?" I laugh loudly while shaking my head no.

He quickly puts his hands on my hips and I reciprocate with my hands on his arms and then neck while we start moving to some loud techno sounding song. Suddenly my favorite song in college (Drop it Low by Ester Dean) comes on and Emma tears her eyes away from Sebastian to point and yell for me. Chris seems slightly confused by this interaction so I lean into his ear and tell him, "This was my song in college. All my girlfriends laugh because I always requested it. I even incorporated it into one of our halftime routines on the cheerleading team" I quickly turn in his arms and push my ass against his crotch and start grinding while singing along to my jam. He wraps his arms around my waist and starts grinding into me as I hear him let out a deep growl right into my ear. I glance back at Molly and Kristen's table and see that they have both paused their tongue tangling (likely when they heard my song come on) and then gave me a thumbs up. I laugh and wink at them and they go back to their dates. I can feel Chris growing stiff through his jeans as we continue to dance all on each other and I couldn't be more turned on. As we danced, I started to wonder. Is it really wrong of me to sleep with my professor? I mean, I'm certainly old enough for it to be legal so that's not a concern but ethically it's not the best decision. My main goal was to focus on getting my master's and to avoid anything that could complicate that. Sleeping with my professor could absolutely complicate that. I knew he wasn't married, but he could have a secret girlfriend for all I know. While thinking of all of this, I knew that if the opportunity presented itself, I would not hesitate to sleep with him even if I were completely sober. That's a dangerous thing for me. I have always been extremely logical and level headed yet I've literally had this man stuck in my head for a month.

Uninhibited due to the amount of alcohol I have consumed, I turn back into his arms and ask, "You don't have like a secret girlfriend or fiancé, right?"

He looks at me questioningly before laughing and shaking his head no. "I'm single" he smiles.

I return his smile and say, "Thank god, because this would be really inappropriate if you did. I'm certainly not a home wrecker."

"Isn't it still very inappropriate for me to be grinding against you since I am your teacher and you are my student?" He questions with a reticent look on his face.

"Yes" I reply quickly.

We have both stilled on the dance floor and are staring at each other while bodies are gyrating and writhing all around us. He studies my face looking for a reaction.

"Since we are breaking rules tonight, what the hell" I say as I lean up on my tiptoes to reach his mouth and passionately kiss him. He kisses me back instantly and I swear I saw fireworks. It was most likely the flashing lights around us and the fact that I was quite buzzed, but I still think it counts. Chris swipes his tongue over the seam of my lips and I open to invite him in. Who would have thought that on my best friend's birthday I would be standing in the middle of the dance floor of some club making out with my Professor? Not I, yet here we are. This is turning out to be a damn good night.

When we finally come up for air, I glance back at Emma and Sebastian who are grinding on each other and staring straight at Chris and I. Emma smiles with excitement in her eyes and Sebastian leans over and fists bumps me which causes me to begin laughing hysterically. Chris starts laughing too and Emma and Sebastian join in. We started dancing again and I could tell Chris felt much more comfortable dancing up against me after our kiss. After a few more songs we decide to head back to the bar and cool off. Before we ordered drinks Emma and I told the guys we were going to make a quick trip to the restroom. The real reason was that we were super sweaty and wanted to make sure we didn't look like a mess.

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now