Chapter 57:

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I wake up much later in the night to find Dodger snuggled up against my back effectively pushing me up against Chris. The room is dark but I can see his face from the light glow of the moon at the top of the of the curtains. I take a moment to study his face. His long eyelashes, his lips partially open as he breathes evenly. He stirs for just a moment, but continues to stay asleep. I decide to gently climb out of the bed to pee. 

After I use the restroom, I walk back into the kitchen to refill my water glass from the refrigerator. The lights are still off but the moon shining in the large glass doors to the patio illuminates the open kitchen and living room enough so that I can see. I walk towards the glass doors and look out over the pool. Just when I'm about to head back to bed, a picture frame in the living room catches my eye. I certainly don't remember seeing that one there. I walk forward to study the picture. It's a picture of me and Dodger. It's one that he had taken on his phone at his house one evening. In the photo, Dodger was kissing my face and I was laughing. Here was a picture of me surrounded by pictures of his family and closest loved ones. 

I study the picture for another moment before I hear running and Chris yell, "Katy?!?"

I turn around quickly and see a very disheveled and panicked Chris running down the hallway.

"I'm here." I tell him and he grabs his chest. He crushes me to his chest in a hug that almost cuts off my circulation. I can feel his heart pounding as he holds me.

"I thought you left. I woke up and you were gone and I started to think it was all a very realistic dream. Just my imagination running wild with my hopes again. Then I saw your clothes on the armchair and thought you had left me." He says panicked.

"No baby, I just went to get some water. Dodger had me pinned in between you two and I was thirsty." I stroke his hair and try to calm him.

"That's the first time you've called me baby since we broke up." He says with a small smile.

"I know, baby." I say with a little smirk. 

"I said I was willing to try, and I still am. I promise that if I change my mind I won't sneak off in the middle of the night, okay?" He nods against me and buries his face into my neck. 

I pull back and cradle his face in both of my hands before leaning in and kissing him enthusiastically. He picks me up during this kiss and holds my ass as I wrap my legs around him. He stumbles and pins me against the wall as our kiss intensifies and I can't bring myself to stop it. Here we are making out against the wall at three in the morning like teenagers. I can feel how hard he is against my core through his basketball shorts. It takes all of my will power to not just give in and let him take me here and now. But I promised myself I was going to do things right this time.

"Take me back to bed." I tell him. He kisses me sweetly before he carries me back to his bedroom.

We both glance at the bed and laugh at Dodger who has now stretched out horizontally across the large king-sized bed.

"Quite the guard dog you have here. All that commotion and he doesn't even stop snoring." I say and Chris laughs. Chris's laughter causes Dodgers snoring to falter for just a moment before it picks up again.

"I was going to carry you and lay you down on the bed but Dodge kind of ruined that plan." He said as he set me on the edge of the bed. Instead of waking Dodger up, he just scooped him up and set him back down on the dog bed on the floor. Dodger looked grumpy at being moved, but stayed put with where Chris put him.

He pulled back the covers and wrapped his arms around me from behind and we snuggled into each other. I was still very much aware of his length stabbing against my ass and I couldn't help but wiggle a little.

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now