*Chapter 11

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I wake up to the annoying sound of Henry's iPhone alarm and he chuckles as I murmur "Nooo" and bury my head back against his chest. Our limbs are tangled around each other and he begins stroking my bare back which is lulling me back into sleep.

"Darling, as much as I would love to stay here all day with you, we have another day of work to get to."

"Don't want to, I quit" I whisper back to him and nuzzle further into his chest while I feel his body vibrate from his silent laughter.

"You never told me you weren't a morning person. I wonder if I could incentivize you to wake up." He whispers while leaning over me and planting a passionate kiss on my lips.

He pulls away and then gets up and walks to the bathroom and turns on the shower.

He turns back and smirks when he sees that I'm staring directly at his ass and says, "Well, are you going to join me?"

I quickly and rather clumsily clamber out of the twisted bed sheets and walk toward the shower. He has already stepped in and I open the glass door and join him. He grabs my waist and pulls me into the stream of warm water and we begin making out. 

In the midst of our passionate make out session, he pulls back and sheepily says "I don't have a condom in here."

I smile up at him before replying "I probably should have mentioned this last night, but I have an IUD and I'm clean. I had my physical three months ago. What about you?"

He smiles brightly before saying, "I'm clean too. Had a physical about two months ago and got the all clear."

Henry starts kissing down my neck and massaging my breasts as I palm his considerable length in my hands. I squeal when he suddenly lifts me up and leans me up against the cold tile walls before looking to me for permission to enter me. I quickly nod and kiss him as he shoves himself inside of me. He begins pistoning in and out of me without giving me time to adjust and I am mewling at how amazing his intrusion feels. My arms are wrapped tightly around his neck before I reach up and grab ahold of his wet hair and pull to give myself more access to his neck. He moans as I begin assaulting his neck with kisses and small bites.

He leans his head back and grunts while he continues thrusting sharply. He begins talking into my ear. "You feel absolutely amazing darling. You are so tight and warm. So soft and beautiful."

"Henry, don't stop! I'm close!" He reaches down and starts rubbing gentle circles on my clitoris and that's all it takes for me to release. His thrusts begin to falter and his head tilts back and he makes the sexiest growl I've ever heard before stilling in me and filling me with his release. He holds me for a moment, our heads buried in each other's necks as we catch our breaths. He gently sets my feet down on the ground but holds onto my waist to keep me from falling backwards while I recover from his delicious assault.

"That's a wake-up call that might turn me into a morning person." I said and he laughed loudly. 

We took turns under the shower spray and quickly showered. Our extra curricular activities likely put us behind this morning. Thank goodness hair and makeup would be done for us when we arrived. We each grabbed a fluffy white towel out from the towel rack and I went in search of my clothes from yesterday and put them back on. 

"Got a t-shirt that I can borrow so it's not obvious that I'm coming into work doing the walk of shame?" I giggle while standing there in my jeans and bra. Henry handed me a plain white t-shirt from his suitcase that could've been a dress on me. I grabbed a hair tie from my purse and tied it up on the side as best as I could. I also rolled up the sleeves as much as possible since they reached my elbows. My black lacy bra was slightly showing through the material and my black jeans from yesterday made it look like I wore this on purpose, at least I hoped. After I used the hair dryer provided with the room, Henry and I grabbed some breakfast at the hotel's restaurant before heading to the shoot location and starting the process of hair and makeup. Today's shoot involved many more models and we did several shots outside in a cobblestone alleyway which was fun because it was beautiful sunny day. I did several looks with other female models and the shoot flew by really quickly. I was able to pick out 3 full outfits that the stylist for H&M let me keep. I put on one of the tops and reminded myself to return Henry's t-shirt to him. Henry and I continued to flirt and chat every chance he got. Once the shoot ended, Henry handed me his phone and asked me to add my number to it. I did without hesitation. He quickly called my phone and told me that now I had his number as well and he hoped we could keep in touch and work together again soon. It was time for us to get ready to go. I folded up his t-shirt and handed it back to him.

"Keep it darling." He said with a soft kiss on my temple. I smiled back at him. Don't mind if I do I think to myself. It smells like him and I will most likely sleep in it tonight. Why do I always want to be with men who aren't local? Is that my toxic trait?  I wonder to myself. I gather all of my items, and Henry walked me to the parking lot and passionately kissed me when we reached my car.

He held me in his arms while saying, "I wish I didn't have to head back to California so soon. I have had such a lovely time with you and would love to see you again, Katy."

"I have too Henry. I'm sad you have to go but grateful I got to spend the best two days with you. I'll definitely let you know the next time I come to California!" I give him a wistful smile and one more hug before he opened the car door for me and helped me in. He gives me one more chaste kiss on my lips before closing the door and waving as I drive away. 

The first thing I do is call Emma and tell her about my photoshoot and night with Henry. She tells me she is going to order us a pizza so we can have a girl's night and we can discuss all of the details. After I hang up with Emma, I call Melanie and update her on today's shoot since she wasn't able to be there today. We chat a little about the different looks and when she receives some of the finals from H&M we can post them to our social medias.

"Did I see a bit of a spark between you and that gorgeous British Clark Kent looking model?"

"Why, I just don't know what you mean, Mel" I giggle. She was like a second momma to me and was always wanting to know about any potential men in my life. She claimed that it was because she had been married for 22 years and was living vicariously through me.

"Oh darling, you know how well I know you. There was definitely something going on with him. Who could blame you? He was such a hunk! I approve!" She laughs.

"Oh, Mama Mel, you kill me! Yes, we had great chemistry. We went to dinner and I ended up staying in his hotel..." I smirk.

"I knew it! Please tell me you're going to see him again? Was it good?" She laughs.

"Very. I wish it could go further but he lives in California and is trying to break into the acting scene. I just don't want anything long distance. It never works out for me and I'm settled in Boston with Emma and need to focus on getting my graduate program. I would love to see him again but I just don't think we could survive the distance." I told her with a melancholy tone. This always seems to be the case with me. Always meeting someone incredible but it never ends up being the right time or location. Oh well, I knew that going into last night. It was the same reason that I never went further with Austin. We were friends first and it wasn't worth ruining a friendship over one night of passion. Plus, we had a lot of mutual friends and I just didn't want to make things uncomfortable. Henry was a stranger until yesterday, so I didn't have to worry about ruining a friendship.

"What was his name? Maybe you can work with him again in the future."

"Henry Cavill" I told her.

"Okay dear, well I'll let you know when I get the finals back from H&M and of course let you know of any other opportunities that I think you would like. Fridays and Saturdays are the best days for you this semester, right?"

"Yes ma'am. I don't have classes on Fridays so that makes it easier to not have to catch up on missed work. If I know about something far enough in advance though, I'm sure I could work something out."

"Okay dear. Be safe driving home!"

"Thanks Mel. Talk soon!"

I only had about 15 more minutes until I got home where I know I was going to analyze every bit of my encounters with Henry to Emma. We always did this when one of us met a guy and I loved that we cheered each other on and supported each-others decisions. I truly think Carrie Bradshaw was on the right track when she talked about soulmates. If everyone had a soulmate, Emma may be mine. We were each-others chosen sisters and I don't know what I would do without her in my life. 

The rest of the drive I continued to think about my weekend with Henry and surprisingly I kept thinking back to Professor Evans. I think my daydreams about being with him or having him interested in me were spurring some unrealistic desires within me. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is about that man, but he makes me weak at the knees. It was simply something that couldn't be, and I needed to wrap my head around the fact that nothing could ever happen with him. He was a teacher, and I was his student. Plain and simple. I hoped that since I got a release with Henry this weekend, I would be better able to concentrate in his classes this week. 

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now