Chapter 83:

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We spent the remaining time in Texas doing all of the things Emma enjoyed doing when she came home. We went all over town to her favorite stores and restaurants and we ended up having a really enjoyable trip. Chris and I even managed to sneak in two quiet quickies while we were here, which was fun. We managed to exchange Christmas gifts with her family the last night we were there and everyone seemed happy with their gifts. Paul and I always gave each other gag gifts every year, and I needed to get him back for the penis shaped coffee mug he gave me in front of Emma's entire family last year. Paul opened his gift and held it up which caused everyone to laugh when they read his t-shirt that I got him this year. 

"Oh, that's fucking hilarious!" Joseph says and Paul facepalms.

I kiss his cheek and tell him that he had it coming and he laughs and puts it on.

I kiss his cheek and tell him that he had it coming and he laughs and puts it on

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Paul gave me a crop top that said, "I'm great in bed. I can sleep all day." which I actually planned on wearing. 

Emma's family really liked both of our guys and I am so glad they got to come with us. Emma and Sebastian were really serious and I could see them going all the way, one day. Emma cried like she normally does when it was time to head to the airport. It was difficult leaving everyone, but we were always glad when we could visit. After Eliza hugged us like thirty times, we got in the car and Chris offered to drive us all back to the airport. I was excited to see my family, but knew how sad Emma was to say goodbye to hers. 

We decided to grab a bite to eat in the airport while we waited for our flight and I called my parents to let them know that we were on the way soon. Dad said my mom was rage cleaning the house because that's what she did whenever she was impatient for one of my arrivals and it made me laugh. We knew we would arrive around dinner time, so Dad was planning on firing up the grill and cooking for everybody. Jacob was going to invite his girlfriend, Courtney, over too. 

While waiting in the airport, I checked my email and saw that Melanie had secured a swimsuit contract with a company called Kenny Flowers for both Emma and myself to model their upcoming spring releases. There would be travel involved for the fashion shoot since they wanted us to be in a tropical location for the photos which would be nice as well. Melanie had sent our measurements already, but they wanted a fitting at the end of January in New York, which would be simple. Our shoot wouldn't be until the beginning of March, but it would be a week long so we needed to be able to plan for our absences with school in advance. It also meant that we needed to be a bit more intentional with our diet and exercise routine, so Emma and I discussed that for a while. I napped on the plane a bit on Chris's shoulder simply out of boredom but was quickly energized when we landed. I couldn't wait to see my family. Emma sorted the rental car while we grabbed our bags and Emma had gotten us a Jeep Grand Cherokee for the next few days. We loaded up and I drove us to my parents' house from the airport which was only about 30 minutes away. 

Everything still looked exactly the same in our little piece of suburbia and I was instantly comforted by it. I drove into my parents' driveway and smiled that the white rocking chairs were still on the front porch and my dad had obviously been out here putting up the Christmas lights we always used. I loved my mom a lot, but I was without a doubt a daddy's girl. Before we even made it up the sidewalk, both of my parents came running out of the house to hug me. My mom wrapped Emma in a hug while my dad refused to let me go.

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now