Chapter 33:

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We head to the dining room and all sit down. Scott gets the large casserole dish out from the oven for Lisa and brings it to the table. We all start scooping some salad and baked ziti on our plates and passing around the bowl of garlic bread.

"This all looks and smells delicious, Lisa. Thank you so much!" I tell her truthfully.

"You are welcome dear."

"Katy, Chris told us you were in New York this week for work? What do you do?" Carly asks.

"Yes, Emma and I were in New York for a couple of nights for a photoshoot for Macy's. They are going to be releasing a campaign for Christmas and New Year's Eve dresses so we got to model some of those."

"He didn't say you modeled! That's cool!" Shanna said.

"Thank you! Yes, I have an agent who is amazing and works around my school schedule. It's a lot of fun and helps me with extra expenses. I mainly do photoshoots for different companies like swimsuits, dresses, and clothing. I do have a commercial to film in a couple of weeks for Dior though, which is exciting."

"Well you'll have to show us when it comes out!" Lisa says and I smile and nod at her before taking a sip of my wine.

"So, Scott enlightened me on some of the antics that Chris and him got up to as children and I really just have to tip my hat to you Lisa, and Carly and Shanna for putting up with them this long." I say with an amused smile and everyone laughs.

Chris tries to tell stories on his sisters, but we all acknowledge that they weren't half as bad as what Scott and Chris got into as children much to his chagrin.

After dinner was over, we cleaned up the kitchen and all decide to play Monopoly. As they are setting up, Stella takes me to the playroom to show me her microphone and performs a riveting, and slightly off-key, performance of Let It Go from Frozen. I clap and compliment her beautiful voice and tell her that I'll definitely be asking Santa for a microphone of my own. She compliments my hair and asks if I can do hers like that. I happily agreed and she sat down in front of me and I put her medium length brown hair into a fishtail braid like mine. When she stands up, I tell her, "Now you look just like Elsa with your braid!"

"I want to show momma!" she tells me and so we head back to the kitchen where Chris and Scott are setting up the board game. Stella wants everyone to see her hairstyle and they all compliment her generously. Chris winks at me. Carly tells me she needs to learn how to do that style braid and I told her that I learned from watching YouTube videos.

Lisa puts on The Incredibles for the kids because they don't have attention spans that last long enough to handle monopoly. The Evans family is highly competitive and we each contribute to smack talking each other. Ultimately, Shanna wins and Scott ends up completely bankrupt. We indulge in the brownies that I brought during the game and I end up having such an enjoyable time. This family is so easy to be around and really makes you feel included.

After too much wine, I excuse myself to use the restroom. When I finish washing my hands, I check myself in the mirror and open the door. As I round the corner headed back to where everyone was playing monopoly, Scott jumps out at me screaming my name, and like I had warned him my fight or flight kicked in. Instantaneously, I screamed and accidentally kneed him where no man enjoys being hit. Scott keeled over on the ground clutching his groin as I leaned over him with my hand covering my mouth in shock and profusely apologized. Chris was videoing from across the kitchen and could not breathe from laughing so hard.

"Scott, Scotty oh my god! I'm so sorry! It was just a knee jerk reaction. Quite literally. Are you okay?"

"Okay, that was a bad idea Scott!" Lisa said with a smirk. She was used to their tricks by now.

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now