Chapter 41:

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We all laugh at Scott's remark and quickly get tired of the game. I definitely drank more than I had intended. I went to the restroom connected to the guest bedroom where I was going to be sleeping tonight, and when I opened the door to leave, Chris quickly rushed in and shut the door behind us. I just looked at him and right when I was about to ask him what was wrong, he stalked towards me and pulled me into a kiss so passionate and intimate that it took my breath away. Our tongues immediately massaging against each other as we deepened the kiss. One of his hands was on my ass on top of my tiny shorts pulling me into his core, and the other was caressing my cheek. I could feel his stiff member aching tightly against his jeans up against me. I kissed him back because even though he hurt me, I still missed him terribly. Alcohol was also helping to cloud my judgement. After a few moments of kissing, I pulled back and rested my forehead on his. 

"This isn't a good idea. We're broken up, and drunk." I told him. He nodded but stood still, not removing me from his grasp. He gave me one gentle kiss on the lips and stepped back. 

"I'm so sorry, I know that I fucked this all up. I just missed you and it's so difficult to see you here, especially looking like that, and not being able to touch you or kiss you anymore."

I looked up at him, knowing the question that was on the tip of my tongue and trying to will myself not to ask it.

"What is it?" God, he knows me too well.

"It's nothing." I say and look down at my hands while swallowing.

"Please? I can tell you want to say it."

"Did you.... did you sleep with her?" Seeing the guilt wash over his face gave me my answer.

"I didn't mean too." He said quickly.

"Oh, so your dick just accidentally fell into her? Come on Chris. I may have been naïve enough to fall for my teacher but I'm not stupid." I say overwhelmed by the fresh ache of hurt.

"I shouldn't have asked, I knew I wouldn't like the answer." I step away from him and try to reach around him for the door.

"No, I ended up leaving her at the Tavern and went home and got really, really drunk. I kept trying to call you and you weren't answering. She called and I thought it was you so I answered. I could barely even speak that I was crying so hard. When I realized who it was, I told her it was a mistake seeing her and hung up. I kept drinking and then she showed up at my doorstep to "check on me." She took advantage of me when I clearly wasn't of sound mind or sober. I woke up the next morning and told her to get out and that I never wanted to see her again. I don't even remember it." His voice is shaking and he looks like he's going to be sick as he tells me.

"Were you ever planning on telling me?" He hesitates to answer and looks down at his hands.

"I didn't know how too." He says. "and I was ashamed of myself."

Hearing this new revelation made me even more sure that I couldn't be with him right now. As much as I hated her for taking advantage of him, I don't feel that he would have ever willingly told me the truth on his own accord. It's that kind of distrust that I can't tolerate. A tear accidentally slipped out and I quickly dabbed it away to keep from messing up my makeup.

"I don't want to hear anymore Chris. I shouldn't have asked. Just let me go. Please." I say sternly.

He stepped out of the way of the door and I quickly left and headed back to Emma. She saw my face and grabbed me and we walked to the backyard for some fresh air. I quickly told her what just occurred with Chris. She hugged me tightly knowing I was trying to keep my emotions in, and I focused on taking deep breaths. 

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now