Chapter 91:

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The next morning, I woke up to the smell of coffee and food in the next room. I stretched and felt very sore, but otherwise okay. I rolled over and saw Chris sitting up on the bed with his back propped against the headboard just watching me. He looked almost stoic as he stared down at me and not his typical silly self.

"Good morning, baby." I whispered while leaning up to give him a kiss.

"Good morning. Technically, it's a little after noon, but I was able to order us some breakfast right before the hotel closed the kitchen. Are you hungry?"

"Yes, and I desperately need some coffee."

Chris brought the food to the bed while I went to the bathroom to use the facilities and brush my teeth. I looked at my neck and was horrified at what I saw. No wonder Chris looked so pissed off. My necked was covered in prominent deep purple and blue splotches from left to right. I also had a large five-inch scratch down my sternum and several broken nails. I also had a busted blood vessel in my left eye, likely from the struggle or lack of oxygen which made it look creepy. I definitely wasn't fun to look at, but I was grateful that I had escaped before anything worse happened. I placed a hotel bathrobe on my body before going back out to Chris.

We silently started to eat before I brought up the elephant in the room.

"What happened last night after you put me in Austin's bedroom?" I asked him.

He froze as his jaw clenched before answering. "I met back with Sebastian who held him up while I had a few words with him." I glanced down at his knuckles before he took his next bite of eggs.

"Chris, how did I not even notice those last night?" I say as I grab his hand which had scabbed knuckles. "How badly did you hurt him?" I asked.

"Not as bad as I wanted too." He answered and looked away from me.

"Chris. Talk to me. You don't even want to look at me."

"Katy. What do you want me to say? I want to kill him. I wish I would have killed him. Every time I see your neck I wish Sebastian had let me kill him right there. Sebastian insisted we call the cops and let them handle it."

"I'm glad you didn't kill him. I don't really want to have to visit you in prison. I much prefer to have you home with me and Dodger." I tell him with a little smile but Chris didn't budge.

"Tell me what happened. Please. I haven't heard everything and I.. I just need you to tell me what happened to you after you left for the restroom."

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you angrier with me."

"Sweetheart, I swear I'm not angry with you. I'm angry with that bastard for touching you and I'm angry with myself for not getting to you quicker."

"I'll tell you, but promise me that you won't distance yourself from me. Promise me, right now Chris. I need you. You're the only reason I'm not a complete puddle on the floor right now."

"I promise." He said as he reached over and stroked my cheek.

I begin retelling the events of everything that happened in the bathroom and watch as the veins in Chris's arms and neck protrude from his anger. He stays silent but his fists wrap angrily around the breakfast cutlery that he is no longer using for eating. When I arrive to the sexual assault part, it's clear that he had no idea about it until now as he jumps up, throwing his fork and knife before he screams while taking his head into his hands. I startle from his outburst simply because I didn't expect it but I know that he is beyond frustrated and it must be as awful to hear about as it is to tell him about. My tears are sliding down my cheeks as I relive it and see how helpless the love of my life feels. He has somehow placed the brunt of the blame on his own shoulders even though there was nothing that he could have done differently. None of us could have predicted something like this would have happened to me. We were all watching carefully over Emma and not leaving her unattended which was why I left her with Sebastian in the first place. Chris's face and neck are almost purple with rage as he paces and continues to mutter every curse word that exists under his breath.

Inevitable Attraction: Professor Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now