- Chapter One -

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It's was Sunday, September 1st. It's been 6 years since the tragedy happened. Tomorrow was Zayden first day of 6th grade, Zyla and Zaria first day of 1st grade and Zakai's first day of kindergarten.

Zayden was 11 year old , the girls was 6 year old and kai was 5 year old.

Zayden was everybody favorite kid, Zay is growing  up to be so smart, handsome and intelligent, Zayden still has been running game, Zayden's is pretty much Zac twin, but a hint of Heather in him, Zayden didn't play about his family, Zayden was a hot head to but he was able to keep his composure, Zayden also plays football and he is the number one player, all the girls is obsessed with Zayden but he just be focusing on school and football, Zayden does have a mouth on him, but he's actually is very respectful but not afraid to express how it feels.

Zyla was pretty much Fatima mini me, Zyla was a good kid but she was also hardheaded and when things didn't go her way she acts out Zyla was well spoken and was able to express her feelings. Zyla was also the kid with the sassy attitude.

Zaria on the other hand she was laid back, she was the least trouble kid, Zaria was the kid that had an hard time expressing her feelings, anytime she wanna to express her emotions she would just isolate herself. Zaria was a good kid, and never gave Fatima any problems, she was the sweetest little girl.

Kai was the jokester, Kai thought everything was a joke, and he played too much like Zac, Kai and Zyla together? Absolute worst! Kai also had a hard time expressing how he feels depending on the day, sometimes he's was outspoken some days he just shuts down, Kai was a complete mommies boy, he always wanted to be up under Fatima.

Noor just celebrated her 12 birthday, and Nasir was 15, and Royal was turning 5 in a couple days Robin and Lori had tied the knot a year ago. Their relationship has been one for the books, they was still madly in love, Noor and Nasir officially calls Robin pops, Lori and Nathan have grown an amazing co- parent friendship after some years of trying they are now on the same page, when it comes to the kids.

Andi and Amp got engaged 5 months ago, the wedding is next year, Andi is still the certified rich auntie and rich godmommy, Andi still was on the no kids lists, Andi and Lori relationship have grown, since what happen to Zac, everyone got along for the sake of Fatima.

Fatima was the super mom, always was and always have been, as y'all know Fatima didn't play about her close ones it was hell and war about them, Fatima has been in therapy for the past 6 years, she just needed someone to vent when times got hard, Fatima Law firm has been going great, she was number 1 in the business knocking Robin and Andi's law firm to number 2, Fatima and Heather have grown a very close friendship, they now do girls night once a month it's something they look forward too.

Fatima and the kids just got home from church, Fatima try to make it to church every Sunday if she can, but sometimes the boys have football games, Zayden, Nasir and Kai all played football and the twins, Noor and Royal was in gymnastics.

Zayden was playing the game, Zaria and Kai was in the play room, Zyla and Fatima was on the kitchen, Fatima was packing their lunch for tomorrow.

Zyla: Mommy?

Fatima: Yes Zy, what do you want now?

Zyla: I miss daddy

Fatima: I miss daddy too Zyla.

Zyla: I'm sad cause I just miss him so much (on the urge of crying)

Fatima drops what she's doing to comfort Zyla.

Fatima: Hey look at me, it's going to be okay, I miss your daddy too, but sometimes things happens but you're going to be fine, you hear me?

Zyla: I hear you mommy, are you okay? Don't cry (Zyla wiped Fatima tear)

Fatima: Mommy is okay! I'm just having a hard time today.

Zyla: Is there anything I can do to make you feel better.

Fatima: Can you give me a hug?

Zyla: Of course mommy!!

Zyla give Fatima a hug, and Fatima felt a little better, it's was rough with Zac being gone, but Fatima know it would all make sense eventually, some days was good and some day was bad, but Fatima also wanted to put on her poker face because her kids deserved a happy mom and Fatima was trying her best to be that happy mom for them.

Zyla eventually ran off to the play room with Zaria and Kai, Zayden made his ways downstairs to the kitchen always looking for a snack.

Zayden: Wassup mom, How you feeling?

Fatima: I'm good baby, what you doing up there? You on that damn game huh? That room better be cleaned.

Zayden: Relax mom it's cleaned, I did exactly what you told me to do before I got on the game

Fatima: Thank you! Are you ready for school tomorrow first day of middle school I see you (she smiled)

Zayden: Man mom school be so lame but I guess I'm ready for it, are you going to be okay with all of us gone tomorrow

Fatima: I will baby, thank you for always looking out for me baby boy it means a lot

Zayden: Anytime mom dad will kill me if I don't (laughing)

Fatima: He sure will.

Zayden: Man I miss him so much

Fatima: You and Zyla just so much alike, she was just in the kitchen with me telling me the same thing I miss his crazy self too

Zayden: Auntie said me and Zyla act the same too (laughing) is that how I acted when I was her age

Fatima: You was a good kid, you still are. Zyla just so extra!

Zayden: Like you mom!

Fatima: I am not extra boy don't try me (laughing)

Zayden: Can we have pizza for dinner?

Fatima: I'll think about it

Zayden: okay I'm going back to my room call me if you need me mom

Fatima: Okay Zay

Zayden grabbed his Snack and went back upstairs to his room, Fatima went to check on the kids, they was all playing, Fatima left out the room and went back in the living to lay on the couch.

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