- Chapter- Sixty - Nine -

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Fatima was on her way to work, She decided to stop by Starbucks to get a quick bite, and a coffee because she had meeting first things. She was waiting in the drive thru, Andi texted the group chat.

The Godmother's 🌹❤️

Andi Barnes: Good Morning ladies, I thought you bitches was lying about these pregnancy mood swings , it's no joke, I snapped on Amp because he ate the last bagel 😂☹️.

😂😂 Poor Amp don't even know what he got himself into, it's only gone get worse from here.

Lori Grey: I can't wait to mess with your ass all pregnancy this is going to fun!

Andi Barnes: As long as Robin on redial your ass don't stand a chance 😂😂

😂😂😂 You damn right about that Andi! Don't make us call Robin now Lor!

Lori Grey left the conversation

Andi Barnes: 😂😂😂

That's girl so damn dramatic 😂 she's sick of us!

Andi Barnes added Lori Grey to the conversation

Stop being so damn dramatic Lori was just playing, calm your ass down!

Lori Grey: I'm so sick of you bitches with this Robin shit, I'm SICK OF IT stop that shit it's not funny no more, okay my man got me in check what a good FUCKING HUSBAND!

Andi Barnes: Y'all sure I'm not the only one pregnant?

Lori Grey: Andi don't piss me off babydoll!


Lori Grey: And Fatima you always laughing like shit funny, you don't piss me off either!

Lori calm down, you're getting all worked up for no reason..

Lori Grey: Bye! I hope munchkins gave you stressful day, and Fatima I hope Zac backhand you!

Andi Barnes: 😂😂😂

Please don't make me send this to Robin, because I will! 😂😂

Lori Grey: FUCK YALL!

The conversation ended, Fatima pulled up to the window payed and got her items, and proceeded her way to work, about 15 later when she pulled up. Angela was out there. Fatima grabbed her things and got out her car.

Fatima: - shutting her car door - Angela I really don't know why your ass is here, but you can carry your ass on!

Biggie: Really? You just that comfortable letting these kids call me biggie?

Fatima: Bitch what the fuck are you talking about? Please get the fuck away from me, before we have problems.

Biggie: You know exactly what I'm talking about Fat-

-Heather pulls out and jump out the car-

Heather: Really Angela after I told your ass not to come here, you still come. You piss me off when you do dumb shit like this.

Fatima: Is there a reason this bitch here?

Heather: She's mad because Zayden slip up and called her biggie now she's mad..

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