- Chapter Twenty -

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It's was going on 6 p.m. everybody was home from school, Zyla and Zaria forgot about the day at school, so they didn't bring to Fatima and Zac's attention how Bishop was being mean to them.

The younger Gen Z was in the playroom, (Lor house) Robin dropped off Nasir , Noor and Zayden at the football game. Zac, Fatima and Lori was at Lori's house drinking wine, waiting for Robin to get back.

Zac: So I spoke to Heather today about the whole situation..

Fatima: What she say?

Lori: About what situation?

Zac: Hayden and Angela big boned ass was behind the shooting.. turned out Hayden bitch ass was related to Brent ass and Hayden and Angela fucking.

Lori: Hayden and Angela fucking? How the fuck they fucking and he gotta small dick, and biggie is biggie asf.. I know she don't feel SHIT!

Zac: (Laughing) Lor you a asshole sis..

Fatima: Can't stand your ass sometimes but you right (laughing)

Lori: But what Heather had to do with that? I know she ain't on no messy shit cause I would to have slap a hoe!

Fatima: I told Zac, Heather wouldn't do that, Heather loves us to much to do some messy as shit like that! She's just caught in the middle because of Angela's ass.

Zac: Nah you right babe she said she didn't have nothing to do with it, and Lori I was wonderinh how Brent and Angela knew the drop on T and Andi location.

Lori: Well Angela wasn't the only person in common, wasn't Angela with Bryce to?

It didn't click to them, that Bryce could also be a questionable..

Fatima: That's why I love your crazy ass! You be putting 2 and 2 together FAST!

Zac: Ah Bryce.. that's why Bryce left her ass because she probably was making his ass tell her shit

Lori: Well what we gone do?

Fatima: I'm talk business with Madam this weekend, when I got to club Eden.

Zac: GOOD!

Football game:

Robin dropped the Older Gen Z off at the game, when they walked in Lando and his boys was standing right there. Nasir just told Noor and Nasir to ignore him, so they proceeded to walk to the stands, but Lando followed behind them.


Lando: I don't appreciate your little sister fighting my sister, and I don't fuck with that little bitch ass boy pushing my sister friend.

Zayden: Bro watch your tune you doing the most right now my guy and if you don't wanna get fuck up next you need to shut up!

Lando: Little nigga and what you gone do? I toss your little ass

Noor: Don't you have something better to do? You just made you playing 2nd BUM!

Nasir: Noor and Zay come on, i  would hate to have to fuck a nigga up in front of his goons

Lando: You a bitch, your mom a bitch, and your daddy a bitch!

Noor: But word around town, Your mom on the corner making sure you gotta plate on the table ! But my mom a bitch? Your mom is a hoe ass bitch!

Everybody that was surrounding them, started laughing because it was true, Lando mom was a stripper.

Zayden: (laughing) How about we go to the corner throw some change on her

Nasir: I like that idea! DINNER ON US BITCH!

Lando homeboy: You with that?

Lando: What y'all moms do? Probably just sit at home while daddy just take cares of the bills

Noor: Sorry but that ain't us.. you see our houses big money around here

Nasir: Y'all Niggas done? Cause we got a game to watch.

Lando: I see you after the game

Nasir: You don't want these problems bro (laughing)

Lando: (chuckled)nah homie you don't

Nasir , Noor and Zayden just walked away, Nasir knew after the game Lando and his boys was gone be on some hound shit, so he prepared. Tiff texted Nasir told him he she couldn't make it, he just locked his phone back.

Back that Lori's house:

Robin was back home, they was chilling, laughing and vibing.. Lando and his family only lives down street from Fatima and Lori. Couple minutes later Lori got a knock on the door. Robin had went to the bathroom.

Lori: Who the fuck is that!

Zac: What me to get?

Lori: yeah bro

Zac went to open the door, it's was Layla and Lando mom and Layla at the door, Their mom names was Lydia.

Zac: Can I help you?

Lydia: You sure this is right house Layla?

Layla: Yes this right house but that's Zayden's dad right there

Zac: My bad who are y'all? How you know Zayden my son?

Lydia: Is Noor's mom or dad here? And all of our kids go to school together.

Lori: Who's at the door bro?

Lori came to the door.

Lori: Who are you? Nathan better not have another fucking kid!

Zac: Lori (laughing) Chill her daughter and our kids go to school together.

Lori: Okay what do you want Lady?

Fatima and Robin eventually made they way to the door as well.

Lydia: Did you know your daughter and my daughter was fighting today after school?

Lori: Yeah not believing that my daughter would of told me if she was fighting..

Lydia: I have no reason to be a doorstep lying.

Lori: Okay they was fighting.. okay thank you. Like what you want me to do?

Lydia: Yeah I don't like how your son (talking to Zac) pushed my daughters friend that was wrong and as a boy he should know better. And I want to let your daughter know fighting ain't cute

Zac: Pipe all that down cause my son knows better and he ain't putting his hands on no girl

Fatima: And he ain't! So..

Lydia: Are you the mother?

Fatima: That's I am. And I know my son ain't putting his hands on no little girl, unless he have to, so somebody leaving out a part of the story.

Layla: No he just push her for no reason like a little punk

Fatima: What we not gone do is the name calling! Nip that shit in the bud right now.

Lydia: I would appreciate if your kids would leave my kids alone. I don't wanna have to come back here!

Lori: Get your ass off my porch, before shit get real! Fuck you talking about!

Lydia and Layla walked away and Lori slammed the door, they went back in the kitchen.

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