- Chapter- Seventy-

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The work and school day was over, Zyla, Zaria , and Kai was in the playroom, playing. Fatima was getting started on dinner, and Zac had went to the gym with Rob, Zayden is in the kitchen doing his homework while Fatima cooks.

Fatima: - How many pages do you have left? I wanted to talk to you about something.

Zayden: I just finished up, just looking over my work, is everything okay, am I in trouble?

Fatima: Should you be in trouble?

Zayden: I mean no mom, but whenever you or dad say I need to talk to you is usually something bad - laughing -

Fatima: Nope, I just have a question.. your aunt said you was calling her biggie? What's that about?

Zayden: I didn't call her biggie mom, I said " Why do people call you biggie, because you big?"

Fatima: - trying not to laugh- Okay, okay. Did you thin- - starts dying laughing-

Zayden: - laughing - really mom it ain't even that funny I was just very curious

Fatima: - pulling herself together- Okay I'm acting like a bad mom right now.. did you think that was inappropriate to ask?

Zayden: YES! But I only asked because she was making me mad, she just kept telling my papa stuff making up all these lies.

Fatima: Zay you don't always have to say what you thinking. I know she's annoying sometimes but that's an adult, you have to be respectful.

Zayden: - getting frustrated-So you taking her side to? She just always says what she want, and nobody seems to care, not you, not my mom nor dad.

Fatima: I'm not taking her side Zay, but you have to be respectful, you know the routine. No matter what someone says or does to you, you be respectful let me, your mom, or your dad handle it.

Zayden: Is she getting handle though mom? Cause she still saying stuff and she's still around.

Fatima: I can't control what's goes on when you're with your mom Zay, I can't.

Zayden: So dad smacking her, that didn't teach her lesson?

Fatima: You wasn't even supposed to find that out boy.

Zayden: - mumbles - Dad needs to punch her next time

Fatima: What was that?

Zayden: Nothing! I understand mom, I have to be respectful of my elders.

Fatima: That's right! As long as she don't put her hands on you, then whatever she have to say you ignore her.

Zayden: Mom how much ignoring can a kid do? I'm only 11 I don't have patience especially with people like her mom.

Fatima: And I know baby, I know. But you're 11 and she's adult.

Zayden: I apologize for being disrespectful but I wasn't, she only took it that way because it's was me asking mom.

Fatima: And I'm not saying you wrong, but right is right and wrong is wrong. Got it?

Zayden: I got it.

-Noor and Royal walked in the house, and into the kitchen-

Fatima: Hey babies!!

Noor: - hugging Fatima - Hey Auntie, Hey ZayZay!! Miss you punk

Zayden: Hey Noory, miss you too, why didn't you go to school today?

Royal: Auntieeee!! - running to Zayden- Hey ZayZay!

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