Chapter - 114.)

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Monday, 11:30 a.m.

"No Zachary, I'm not fucking comfortable with him leaving the state without me" Heather pleaded on the phone. " Do you hear yourself Heather? You sound fucking goofy" Zac said back.

"Why are you doing this to me, you always trying to make me out to be a bad mom" Heather said. "Yo what is you talking about, I called to let you know we are going on vacation and you over there tripping, like what the fuck is your problem?" Zac said.

"Y'all are my problem I never get a chance to do shit with my son" "Heather that's on nobody but you" "I said no Zac and whatever I says goes"

Zac chuckled. "Bye Heather you on some cornball shit, doing the most right now" "Zac you leave with my son we gone have a big problem nigga" "Bye Heather" And Zac hang up.

"Do you have Custody" Carmen asked Zac curiously. "Nah I don't" Zac said turning around. "Never really had a reason to go get full custody and she wasn't always like this, she started acting weird when her sister came around ever since then it's just been bullshit"

"The type of mom she is, I think you should get Custody, because she can say you kidnapped him even though that isn't true"

"She WOUDN'T dare do no shit like that, well I hope not.. what's crazy is she could of came but she acts childish asf and I'm not fucking with that"

"All I'm saying Mr. ZT, gets some type of custody, the system isn't fair when it comes to father, especially black men" Carmen preached.

"Shit I know, I know" Zac said rubbing his head. "All I want is for my son to be happy he shouldn't have to go through weird shit" Zac said emotionally.

"He knows who's there for him, and who's not. Zayden that's my guy" Carmen laughed. "You guys have the sweetest little ones"

Zac smiled. "We do, forever thankful for their bad asses I can't see life without them"

"I will see y'all when y'all get back, I'll make be sure to check on the house periodically.. you guys have fun" Carmen said.

"Thank you C- Money" Carmen said her goodbyes went on her way.

Zac locked up, going upstairs to his bedroom when all the kids was cuddled up, he took his phone out and took a picture sending to Fatima and Gia.

"Thankful" He thought to himself with a smile.


Punta Cana

"I know your goofy ass ain't over there crying" Madam yelled at Fatima, she was looking at the picture Zac sent her, and she was on her 7 mimosa.

"Leave my baby alone " Ida said rubbing Fatima's back, Fatima was definitely the crybaby of the group.

"See this why I don't drink, makes you do stupid shit like that" Teiraa said laughing.

"Live a little bitchhhh" Renee said passing TT a glass.

The girls was at brunch, eating good with their unlimited mimosas.

"After this trip a bitch may have alcohol poisoning" Lori said laughing pouring her 8th glass.

"Right slow your ass down" Fatima said giving Lori that look.

Fatima phone started ringing it's was a Heather calling her, Fatima ignored the first two calls, but she called a third time and Fatima answered.

"Heather what can I do for you girl" "You need to tell your husband to not leave with Zay I'm not playing with him" "Heather get off my line for I lose my shit on you" Fatima said.

"Okay, y'all wanna play games watch this" Heather said and before Fatima could say anything Heather hang up. Fatima texted her.

" you can play with your daughter, play with your pussy, shit play with whatever you want but YOU will not play with me bitch. Find you something safe to do Heather before shit get real. Have a great day"

Heather didn't waste no time reading Fatima's message, she rolled her eyes locking her phone.

"What's that about" Shanya asked.

"Heather on some bullshit talking about my husband better not leave with Zay...bitch that is his father what the fuck she mean he can't go somewhere with his dad"

"I never liked that bum ass bitch" Shanya said.

"T I keep telling you, you and Zac need to go custody of my nephew before shit gets out of hand and we don't want that" Andi said.

"She want him to stay with her just for him to be on some couch" Gia said rolling her eyes taking a bit of her French toast.

"Couch, what the hell" Madam said.

"Oh yeah the dumb bitch, moved her funky ass boyfriend and his kids into her house, and Angela big bone head ass is there too. She told Zay he can sleep on the couch because she give his room away" Fatima said.

"Zac need to backhand her ass, knock some damn sense into that lady" Renee said.

"Tell me about it" Fatima said drinking her mimosa.

Disney World.

A couple hours had passed. The guys and the kiddos just touched down in Florida they was staying at Disney's Art of Animation Resort.

The children have been on cloud nine ever since they got off the jet. The guys couldn't do nothing but smile they loving seeing their children happy.

"Ouuuuuu, this is niceeeeeeeee, gorllll" Noor said mocking Tiffany Haddish.

"You need to leave that dope alone" Nasir said  laughing referring to Noor needs to stay off TikTok.

They was in the lobby of the resort, the dads was getting checked in.

Amp was getting frustrated because Ayaan wouldn't stop crying, he was hungry, but Amp was trying to get settle in first.

"I got him Unc" Zayden said walking over to Amp and taking Ayaan, where is his bottle at and Amp went into the diaper and got Ayaan's bottle, Zayden got the baby comfortable before feeding him.

Amp smiled. "Thank you little man, I owe you" Amp said. "No problem uncle"

Amp went to get checked in, after that whole process they all headed upstairs to their rooms, everyone was on the same floor. They got settle in, then going to get some food.


"He basically just kidnapped Zay, but you just so stupid bitch" Angela said to Heather. "Ang please shut the hell up, you're getting on my last nerves" Heather said back to Angela.

"I already called dad, he's on his way now" Angela said with no emotion, but Heather face turned red. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT ANGELA, BITCH ARE YOU DUMB" Heather yelled.

"No bitch, I'm helping you out" "Why are you like this, why do you care so much about ruining these peoples lives" Heather asked.

"Bitch please don't act like you all innocent when it comes to them"

"I will not the reasoning behind my baby daddy going to jail, so you need to call dad and tell him never mind"

"No" Angela said nonchalantly. Heather couldn't even give Angela the energy .

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