Chapter: 136.)

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"Who keeps calling you like that?" Fatima said irritated to Zac his phone just kept going off every 2 seconds.

"It's fucking Heather, been blowing me up for a hour straight now" Zac said getting pissed off.

"Turn it off, mute her or something. I don't want to hear that" Fatima said.

Zac pulled out his phone, and blocked Heathers contact, then putting his phone back in his pocket.

" Just give her the money Zac, like I don't want to fight you on this, but just give it to her, Please"

"I'm not about to have this conversation with you while you in the hospital Fatima, I'm not."

"Zachary, you can't make a deal with someone then fall short when it time to pay the price" Fatima said rolling her eyes.

"And yet, you're still trying to have this conversation with me after I said I'm not having this conversation while you're in the hospital Fatima" Zac said throwing his hands up.

"BECAUSE ZA-" She took a deep breath, she didn't want to raise her voice.

"Yeah check yourself, you're tripping bad right now" Zac said.

" I'm telling you this for a reason Zac, just give her the money"

" Okay say I do give her the money right? after that's gone she's either going ask for more, or try to get Halo back then it gone be like what the fuck I give her that money for"

"You made a deal Zac, she held up her end of the bargain now you need to" Fatima said simply.

" When she comes back, becoming another problem that's on you because you want me to give her the money so bad"

"Zac she's already a problem now because you won't give her that damn money, so stop it, Zac real shit"

"Okay Fatima" He said smartly cutting the conversation short.

"You didn't have to say "Okay Fatima" like that I didn't do shit to you Zachary"

"What is you doing all that for? I said okay? Like all that smart remark shit is uncalled for.. I'm going to give her the money"

"Okay Zachary" She said rolling her eyes, Zac just blew his breath, going to sit in the chair across the room.

"Now you don't want to be by me?" She said getting emotional.

"Yoo" Zac said throwing his hands up, lightly chuckling." You're on one today, I tell you that"

Zac phone started ringing again, this time it was Zayden calling him, he pulled his phone out and answered.

"I swear Zac, if that's Heather aga-" Zac had cut her off.

"Wassup sonny boy" Zac said to Zayden.

"POPS!, where is mom at? Why isn't she answering the phone?" Zayden said questioning Zac in a panic tone.

"Calm down, she's right here, she got rushed to the hospital"


"Zay, what's going on bro?" Zac asked in a sternly tone, he knew something was off with Zay.

"Heather got me in some shit pops, 3 dudes rolled up with guns in my shop today, one of them put they hands on Noor.. all because Heather owe some dude named Big L 10 racks"

"WHAT THE FUCKKKKK?" Zac hollered, "Is you and Noor good? Y'all okay?"

"We good pops, we good.. but nigga talking about if she don't have his money he's coming back, like pops what is he coming after me for, I don't owe him shit HEATHER DO"

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