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"Zac, what are you talking about?" Fatima asked on the other line of the phone, "I'm not mad at you. Okay I was upset with you about the shit you pulled with Zyla."

"You of all people know how it feels to be treated differently by your parents, and then you turn around and put our daughter through the same shit?" Fatima expressed a little frustrated with Zachary.

"My point exactly, you still acting like I don't mean shit to you, I fucked up I know and I'm full aware of my actions " He replied.

" Only reason why we having this conversation over the phone because you been acting short with me at home, I can't even talk to my own wife and I just want us to be back on good terms, I'm tired of all this shit" He voiced strongly.

" I'm apologizing if you feel like I'm being short with you, that whole situation made me feel away, I don't like seeing our children upset, and the way Zyla broke down, I never saw that before and it made me feel like shit Zachary, she didn't deserve that. "

"How you think I felt? I wasn't purposely trying to hurt my daughters feelings, you know I love the hell out of each and every one of our children, they are who I am today. But I get where you coming from" said Zachary.

"I also should have communicated with you first about Zyla going to New Yo-" Fatima try to say but got side tracked when her children school was her calling her from the other line.

"You're cutting out babe, What did you say?" Zachary asked, "One second baby, this is the school calling me, I'm telling you right now if Zaria is in any kind of trouble, I'm tearing her ass up" Fatima said stern, answering the call and placing Zachary on hold.

"Mrs. Taylor, good morning this is Principle Mays , calling on the behalf of Zaria Taylor is this her?

"This is her,  good morning, how can I help you?" Fatima asked, a message from Zac dinged across her screen, asking was everything okay.

"Zaria was in a fight with two other students, From my understanding Mrs. Taylor, Zaria and the other students Mariah Flynn had an argument that lead to them getting into a altercation, and another student named Aria James jumped into the fight defending Mariah " Principal Mays explained the best way she could.

"So you're calling me to tell me, my daughter got jumped?" Fatima asked, as she scrambled to put her things in her purse, and grabbing her car keys.

"Yes" Mrs. Mays said simply, and Fatima hung up the phone not purposefully , and cancel her meeting as she placed a call to Zyla, but Zyla didn't answer her phone because it was in her locker at the moment. Fatima made it to her car.

At the same time Zachary was calling Fatima back, as Fatima had put the car in drive, she answered his call through her CarPlay.

"Meet me at the school Zachary, Zaria was jumped" Fatima said, "on my fucking way" Zachary yelled, as he grabbed his keys, and jetted out the office.

Fatima's office and the kids school, was about 15 minutes away from each other, Mariah's mother and Father, and Aria father was on the way as well.

"Are you okay?" Mercedes asked Zaria, as they stood in an empty room, while the school police was guarding the door. The school was currently on lock down.

"Mercedes please stop talking to me, before you be next" Zaria snapped.

"Really gone stand there and let me get jumped? Yeah, you definitely not my friend" Zaria let out a dramatic laugh.

At the same time Ms. Donna had brung Zyla into the same room Zaria was in.

"Why am I hearing you just stood there and let my sister get jumped? Are you dumb?" Zyla spat at Mercedes, as she was approaching her but Zaria got in between the two.

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