- Chapter- Ninety- Four -

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Madam: - Grabs Gladys by the neck and start choking her - Bitch who the fuck you talking To?

Gladys: - Fighting for her life -

Lori: - Laughing - MADAM PUT THAT LADY DOWN, she's on them drugs bad she doesn't know any better.

Madam: - Let's Gladys go - Get the fuck out of here old bitch before I have to kill your ass, coming to my damn family house acting like you don't got no fucking sense, fuck wrong with you?

Gladys: - Trying to catch her breath -

Madam: She got the wrong one today, I don't care who she is, she need to watch who the fuck she's talking to.

Gladys: FUCK YOU! - Holding her neck -

Madam: This old bitch must want to die, don't she! -Looking at Lori -

Lori: She's asking for it, but we not even about to go there.

-Zac and Fatima was pulling in, Gladys was walking off the porch-

Madam: I see this nigga made the right choice.

Lori: - Shaking her head - M please.

Madam: I guess she does know her husband after all.

Fatima: - Getting out the Car - Bitch you must have lost your entire mind, coming to my damn house again.

Gladys: Your house! Or my sons house?

Fatima: My house you old soggy bitch.

Zac: - Collecting his thoughts before getting on the car, he grabbed his phone and got out the car - Like can we not even go there right now.

Fatima: - Stern look at Zac - Zac go in the house.

Zac: Fatima what? No I'm not leaving you out here with this crazy ass lady.

Fatima: I can handle myself Zac, now go in the house please.

Zac: I know you can handle yourself, that's exactly what I'm saying right here.

Gladys: Listen to your little girlfriend son.

Fatima: Wife bitch, not girlfriend. Get it correct.

Madam: Zac just bring your ass in the house, and let T handle this crazy old bitch.

Zac: - Blow his breath, walked in the house, Madam closed the door behind him, he watched out the window -

Fatima: Let's take a walk.

Gladys: I'm not taking a walk with you bitch, I don't know you.

Fatima: - Walks over to Gladys, grabs her by the back of her neck (like a dog ) - I said let's take a walk, I wasn't asking you, I was telling you.

Gladys: - Trying to break loose -

Fatima: - Gripping her neck tighter - You don't like how I'm treating you? You so use to being in-control with my husband, now I'm in-control. Putting your hands on him for no reason with he was a small child, then got the audacity to leave him at 6 years THEN think it's okay for you to keep popping in and out of his life. Now I'm sitting here trying to patch up the pieces.

Gladys: You don't know shit about my life.

Fatima: Okay then explain to me why you a shitty as mother, and why you CHOOSE drugs over your own children please explain to me, and maybe I'll have some sympathy for your old ass.

Gladys: - Silent -

Fatima: Exactly what I thought. You chose this life and my any means enjoy it but what you not gone so is make my husband LIFE a living hell, I'll end quicker than you can blink! This is my last and final warning don't bring your ass back around here - Let Gladys Go -

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