Chapter: 128

763 83 151

10:42 p.m...

"No Fatima, I don't care about none of that shit, he's fucking 21, he doesn't need to get full custody. He still got a life, his life shouldn't have to stop because Heather wanna be a jackass" Zac said.

" Zachary you're not being serious right now?, what he supposed to do leave her in that environment?" Fatima asked curiously.

"Them two mfs knew what they was doing when they laid down together, if Heather isn't doing her part then Nathan's bitch ass needs to step up. my son got to much going for himself to stop his life for Heather bullshit"

" Like Nathan gone step up babe, he don't even do for the two he got, what makes you think he gone do for that little girl?"

"I don't know Fatima, and not my responsibility I don't care what goes on over there not my problem" Zac said nonchalant.

"Everytime is always something with that girl, every fucking time .. that shit annoying T, Zay is 21 now no reason we still have to deal with her bull" Zac added.

" And I'm still mad at the fact, how she lied and Zay gave her 5 thousands fucking dollars " Zac continued and Fatima just listened to him, until he was done venting.

" and that's fuck up, because Zay is to damn nice, always trying to see the good in shit every-time my son gets fucks over, so my bad if I don't respect his decision I'm just looking out for my kid"

"And honey I get that, and me and you both know how feels to come from a shitty ass family, Halo doesn't deserve none of this she's just a baby babe, and this what Zayden wants to do, I think we should respect him on his decision"

"What if he can't get her Fatima? Then what? Heather is not letting Halo go that easily, and no judge is about to take a child from her mother and just up and give her to her brother, nah that shit is not happening"

"What are you being so negative about the situation?" Fatima said rolling her eyes

"I'm not being negative I'm just being real, Heather is to not with that shit, and even if she is NATHAN SURE THE HELL ISN'T."

"I just want Zay to be happy, and if takes him getting full custody of Halo or at peace I am supporting his decision" Fatima said.

"He has my support Fatima, i just don't think it's fair though, but i am done with this conversation your daughters got 15 minutes to get in this house i am not playing these games with them tonight"

"Zac they know the rules, calm down babe"

"Cool" Zac said lastly before walking out the room and going downstairs.


"OMFG" Zyla yelled out of frustration, this was her 10th time calling Zaria but her phone was going straight to voicemail, and Zaria turned her location off so that Zac and Fatima couldn't see it.

" Stop tripping Zy, she's probably already home" Dre said.

"Bro if she was home then I wouldn't be tripping, if both of us is not in that house in the next 15 minutes, WE'RE DONE" Zyla said pissed.

She try texting Kameron on IG, no reply back. "Like she already knows my dad doesn't play, and then she chooses to play with her life" Zyla vented out.

"You don't know dudes address?" Dre asked.

"If I know his address do you think I will be standing her right now?" Zyla said rolling her eyes.

"Why do y'all niggas ask stupid questions, it's so annoying" She added.

"Chill out, don't take your funky attitude out on me, cause your sister on weird shit"

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