- Chapter- Forty -

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Zac woke up and was immediately pissed, that Fatima got the fuck on out of there without saying anything, Zac got up took a shower, then doing his morning routine, getting dressed for today, he didn't have no clients so he was chilling today, but he decided he was gone pull up on Fatima.

Monday was cool belief day for Fatima, it's wasn't slow, but it wasn't busy neither, Fatima had a couple meetings throughout the day.

It's was Monday, Andi made her way to Fatima's Law firm for lunch , where they sat in the break room talked, and eating.

Fatima: I know that's not Gary calling you again Andi?

Andi: Yes Fatima, I don't know what it is with this man, he's not letting up I done blocked 4 numbers already, he won't stop.

Fatima: Invite his ass here! Whatever he gotta say, he could say it to the both of us.

Andi: Nah T, with you and him in the same room I don't think that's a good idea, if it was so important he would just say it already. I mean really what could that nigga possibly have to say to me, you and Zac.

Fatima: That's what I'm trying to figure out, doing all this shit it better be important.. he probably gone tell your ass he got cancer just like Ian lying ass did..

Andi: Wait Ian was never sick? You lying Fatima!

Fatima: Nigga was never sick, he was just lying to get my ass to feel bad, I hate niggas, they disgust me so bad!

Andi: Zac calling you..now.

Fatima: I'm not talking to him right now..

Andi: (Side eye) And why not?

Fatima: All I'm gone say is he does the most, I don't wanna talk about that man right now.

Andi: You on that energy his ass gone pop up right in here, I already know how he is.

Fatima: He should be at work.. he'll see me when I get home later on.

About 10 minutes passed, Evan had walked in.

Evan: Andi, How you doing, Fatima you have some one here to see you, they didn't gave me a name, so I told them to wait one minute.

Andi: Hey Evan, I'm good how about yourself?

Evan: I'm well!!

Fatima: They wouldn't gave you they name? Is it Zac? I'm not playing that man games.

Evan: No it ain't Mr. Taylor..

Fatima: Send him back, Thank you.

Evan: Are you sure?

Fatima: I'm sure, Thank you Evan..

Evan said "no problem" before walking out the room.

Andi: You sure about that? That's could be anybody Fatima.

Fatima: Listen whoever it is, it better be important, cause why didn't you say your name.. that's weird.

Andi: Here we go.

About 3 minutes later Evan bring Lamont back, if looks could kill Lamont would of been dead laying on the floor right now. Fatima told Evan to shut the door.

Fatima: REALLY NIGGA? You think this shit a game, you know what I'm gone gave your mom something to do this weekend, yup.. yup.. (nodding her head, her energy was rising)

Lamont: You think you could show up to my job and I can't show up to yours, nah you don't like that huh?

Andi: If she told you she was married with 4 kids, why are you still being so got damn desperate?

Lamont: Desperate?


Zac walked in, shutting the door behind him, Fatima could already tell the energy Zac was on, Andi backed away in the corner she didn't want no parts.


Lamont: You must be the husband?

Fatima: Lamont you could leave...

Lamont: Nah Ti you could pop up at my job but I can't pop up at yours?

Zac: TI? (Shaking his head) TI? Wait then you went to this nigga job, yo bro I need you to get the fuck out of here.

Lamont: Out of respect of you bro, I'm gone leave. Fatima you know where to find me.

Zac: Yo my guy don't do that, she don't need to find you bro, nah cut that shit out for I have to fuck you up, now I don't know you but I'll will slap the shit out of you, so get the fuck on bro

Lamont: Bro relax it's not even that serious.

Zac: When it comes to her, it's that serious. Now don't let me have to repeat myself again. GET THE FUCK OUT!

Andi: If I was you I would listen.

Lamont left, Zac gave Andi that look "to leave to" Andi said her goodbyes and left out, Zac and Fatima was just standing there looking at each other not saying a word, then Fatima finally said something.

Fatima: If you come here to argue, you can leave to. I'm really not in the mood for his bullshit or yours.

Zac: So you deadass gone leave the house without saying anything to me? That's what we on Fatima?

Fatima: Zac you was sleep, like please don't even go there.

Zac: I'm just trying to figure why you mad at me, when you the one with a nigga down your back..

Fatima: Zac I'm mad at the way you went about the situation, you came off way to aggressive. You acting like I ever gave you a reason not to trust me.

Zac: You expect me to be calm about the situation Fatima when a nigga keep calling you? Foh. Then you go see him? Come on Fatima.

Fatima: I'm not doing this with you at my job, so you can dismiss yourself, I have a meeting to go to. You flying of the handle for no reason.

Zac: I don't wanna get in the way of your money so we could continue this conversation after your meeting.

Zac moved out the way and let Fatima go to her meeting, Zac sat in the break room and waited for her to be done.

About 45 minutes, Fatima meeting was over, Zac was waiting in Fatima office for her, when Fatima walked in she just shook her head, shutting the door behind her.

Zac: So?

Fatima: Zac I mean really what do you want from me? What do you want me to say? Like you doing the most right now for no reason.

Zac: I'm doing the most, you went to see the nigga for what Fatima?

Fatima: Zac I went to tell the mf don't fucking play with me, cause I don't like that lying shit, especially lying about me doing some shit I would never do.

Zac: You know what we just gone leave it there, I better not have to here about this nigga again Fatima.

Fatima: Got it Zachary.

Zac: See you at home?

Fatima: Yup.

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