Chapter: 135.)

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It stood quite in shop for a while, it was just a stare off between Zayden and Big L they called him, until Big L started chuckling.

"I see you young blood, you ain't scared of a nigga like me, but if your mom don't got my money in the next 24 hours, I'll be back" Big L spat sternly.

" Come back and a nigga like you gone be leaving in a body bag" Zayden said in a cold tone.

Big L, got closer to Zayden's face "is that a threat young nigga?" He asked "That's a promise bro, and I mean that shit ON MY MOTHER" Zayden said, respectfully.

"Oh this little nigga got game" L said laughing, his guys started chuckling too, that was only pissing Zayden off more.

"Zayden" Noor said calmly, she knew his temper. But any wrong move she knew that they probably wouldn't make it out the shop alive, because Zayden had his weapon locked in the back incase of emergencies like this.

"I'm good Noory" Zayden said simply, never breaking eye contact with Big L.

"This was fun, she better have my fucking money" Big L said lastly before leaving out the shop with his guys, Zayden watched them until they were no longer in sight.

"You good?" He asked, making sure Noor was good, she nodded yes. "Don't lie to me yo"

"A little scary, but I promise Zay I am good"

"Okay good" He said, he kissed her forehead then started grabbing his things.

"Where is you going?" Noor asked confused.

"Handle something, lock up. Reschedule everybody on the books, I don't want you here by yourself" Zayden said sincerely.

"But Zay, that's money right there. Your mom stopping my bag I can't mess with that"

"You right, shi- fuck..." Zayden said frustrated.

"Don't worry Zay, you just handle what you need to handle, and I'll work from home today"

" Real Noory, I'm sorry about all this. It's fuck up but sometimes shit could be out of my hands" Zay said

"Like I said don't worry, none of this is your fault. I'll see you later"

"Bet" Zayden said lastly he grabbed his things, making his way to Heather house.


"Yo let me holler at you real quick bro" Zac said sternly to Bryce as he was making his way back into the office.

"What's up my man? Is everything okay?" Bryce asked looking dumb founded.

" Chill with all that mY mAn shit, but anyways BRYCE what's going on, I'm looking over the books tenants are behind as fuck on rent, especially your boy Ray that's my kids money right there bro"

"I- .. I don't know what you're talking about man. Books looks fine to me" Bryce said nervously.

"What the fuck you so nervous for? Zac asked

"Z?" Gia said walking in the office politely interrupting their conversation.

"Wassup sis, you good?" Zac said turning his attention to Gia.

"Yes I am good, but T's job called, she got rushed to the hospital, why aren't you answering your phone?"

Zac heart dropped, "WHAT THE FUCK" he said going to his office getting his phone, noticing 5 miss calls for an unknown number and 6 messages.

He dropped everything and headed right to Fatima, while Zac was rushing to do that Zayden made his way to Heather house, she was sitting on the porch when he arrived, he jumped outta the car.

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