Chapter- 124.)

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"YOUR DONE!" Zac said sternly.

He dropped the bags he had in his hands and made his way to the kitchen with Kai and Fatima following behind him.

"I was not talking to no girl at target but besides Heather, don't let that little boy lie to you Fatima" Zac said nervously, he didn't know what the next words that will come out of Kai's mouth.

"Your lying daddy, the lady asked daddy did you like the cheesecake he got you!"

"I just know he's not talking about the bitc- about the girl that was in that picture that got sent to me" Fatima said, while crossing her arms together, leaning on the wall.

"You fuc- you little SHIT, your really done" Zac said going in the freezer grabbing all the popsicles and throwing them in the trash

"ZACCCCC" Fatima yelled, getting mad. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

Kai's runs over to the trash thinking he could save the popsicles but Zac lightly pushed him away.

"MOVE KAI" Zac said. "That's how you do me, gone throw me right under the bus like I didn't just spend hundreds of dollars on your little ass" Zac said.

Kai ran off to the playroom crying, throwing a massive tantrum.

"Zachary" Fatima said sternly.

"WHAT FATIMA" He yelled. "Yes it was her, she said hey and asked did you like the cheesecake... again that CONVERSATION LASTED FOR 10 SECONDS FATIMA"

"Now I'm starting to get pissed off, because why all of sudden you just keep running into this girl for" She said looking at him, never breaking eye contact with him.

"Honestly babe, I don't know I really don't know, it was just an coincidence I guess"

"A coincidence" She said nodding her head, "okay okay" She said, Zac could tell she was getting upset,

"If you're jealous Fatima just say that, I'm not about to fight with you, we're in a good space right now I will like to say there.

"Whatever Zac" She said walking away, going back upstairs, Zac throw his hands up.

"See" Zac said walking into the playroom. "You got mommy mad at me again because you couldn't keep your mouth shut, we had a deal poppa" Zac said.

Kai was crying like he got his ass whooped, Zac just started laughing because he was doing the most over some popsicles.

"Ight poppa, chill out man, breathe it's never that serious" Zac said getting to his level.

The more he cried the more it interfered with his breathing.

"ZAKAI CALM DOWN" Zac said sternly, Fatima made her way back downstairs, to the playroom because she could hear him crying from upstairs.

"Move Zac" Fatima said, pushing Zac out the way. "Kai you need to breathe and calm down" She said rubbing his back. He started to calm down as he heard his mother voice... "That's it, right there.. breath baby" and Kai was calming down, "now wipe your face, and tell me what's wrong"

"Daddy hurt my feelings" Kai said wiping his tears. "He, he throw away my popsicles mommy"

" Is this the right way to act because daddy did something stupid?" Fatima asked Kai and he nodded his head no.

"Alright then, pull yourself together." She said sweetly, Zac wanted to give her that "Zac attack right den and there"

Kai wiped his face, then climbed on the couch and got on his iPad, Fatima and Zac left him alone.

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