- Chapter - Forty- One -

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2 weeks have gone by, Karen indeed bring her delusional ass back to Atlanta, "If I didn't care about my life" was a person, I'll definitely be her ass.

Ms. Bishop was strip off all her rights thanks to Robin, she was no longer a teacher anymore, She did tell Zac and Fatima she had something coming for them, but Zac and Fatima didn't pay that girl no mind, Carmen did become Fatima's and Zac 's nanny, so far, so good the kids love Carmen.

Today was Saturday, Madam was having a family kickback at her house, the kids was playing with their Aunt Ida, who was a nurse, she was the person who Madam would call if she needed help with anything "Medical related" Ida was laidback, but she was killer, she liked to stay undercover, she knew everything that's was going on in everybody's life, Ida was gangster but she was also an sweetheart. Ida been traveling a lot, but she's back in the A.

Everybody was jamming, Tommy was doing what he does best, walking around in the back throwing bags of cookies at people, Madam wanted to cuss this nigga out so bad, but she just let him be great, just for tonight. Apparently everyone loves cookies, Her ass was eating them too.

Zac looked around, trying not to be so suspicious, before whispering in Fatima's ears, they was sitting on the pool side.

Zac: So like everybody in here is like killers? Like y'all just a family full of killing mfs?

Fatima: I mean when you say it like that honey, it sounds harsh but um yeah (She laughed)

Zac: This is some crazy shit, let me guess Ida a crazy one too huh, or she's actually one of the good ones?

Fatima: Who Ida? hell nah. She sliced a nigga throat with a scalpel before.

Zac: A Scalpel babe? What the hell you just all some crazy mfs, I need to get my kids the hell out of here

Fatima: That's why I always tell your ass don't fuck with me, cause I ain't afraid to dead you nigga.

Zac: You would really kill me, if it came down to it babe?

Fatima: Yup, and I'll be on to next! Just like that.

Zac: You just don't have no heart, it's just like that? Really T

Fatima: yeah Zac what you want me to do cry? Nah nigga you got what you deserve, so for both of our sakes don't do no shit, and won't be no shit. Kay? K.

She got up and kissed him, walking away, Zac just sat there and shook his head, because he knew Fatima was dead serious, but then again Zac thought it was cap, "nah nah she wouldn't do no shit like that" Kai ran over and jumped on Zac.

Zac: Wassup punk, you having fun?

Kai: Having a lot fun daddy, where did mommy go?

Zac: I think she went in the house why what's wrong?

Kai: My tummy hurts

Zac: You been eating all them damn cookies from your Uncle Tommy huh?

Kai: I only had like 6 daddy that's all


Tommy walked over to Zac and Zakai..

Tommy: Wassup you want some cookies bro? I got chocolate chip and sugar.

Kai: Ou ou ou I want sugar uncle Tommy I want a sugar cookie.

Zac: didn't you just say your tummy hurts no more cookie for your butt, bro don't gave no more cookies to them children of mine or they hyper asses is staying with you!

Tommy: I'm sure Madam wouldn't mind.

Zac: I'm sure she wouldn't, but they coming home, and I'm not dealing with they hyper asses.

Tommy: Got it bro!!

The night ended around 11, Zac and Fatima got the kids home and bathe them and got them ready for bed, bedtime was a breeze the kids went right to sleep with no problem, they was drained. Zac and Fatima was happy about that.

Zac walked in the room, locking the door, Fatima was doing her nightly routine in the bathroom, when Zac walked behind her grabbing her waist, moving her hair to the side, Kissing her neck.

Fatima: What are you doing Zac .. (smiling)

Zac: I miss my wife, the kids are sleep.. you know what time is it babe

Fatima turned around, now facing face to face with Zac, she put her arms around his neck.

Fatima: You don't miss me fr, you been holding out on me.. (She rolled her eyes, with a light chuckle)

Zac: You the one that's been walking around here with an attitude for weeks, so that's on nobody but you babe. (He laughed)

Fatima: Well you be pissing me off!

Zac: No you be being petty all the damn time , that's why you been DD (laughing) I know you miss me, (kissing her lips).

Fatima: I've been trying to see how long I could go without it, but I'm killing myself here, I do miss you. But my pettiness comes first.

Zac: (laughing) Yo you trip me out, you over here DD TRYING TO PROVE A POINT, I can't stand your ass sometimes babe.

Fatima: (laughing) You gotta gave it to me though, I been standing my grou-

Zac: Oh I'm gone gave it to you alright, don't even worry about that (he chuckles)

Fatima: You always gotta take it there being nasty, I wasn't even talking about that, so nasty! (Laughing)

Zac: What so you don't want any of me?

Fatima: (with a seduce look) I want all of you, every stroke.. every inch...

Zac: Say no more..

Zac lifted Fatima up, taken her to the bed, but Fatima stopped him..

Fatima: Tonight about you!

Fatima tied her hair up, rubbing her hands down Zac chest, then kissing him on his neck, before going down on him, Fatima was giving Zac exactly what he needed , she had his toes curling, Zac was losing it. "FUCKKKK" He moaned.  After awhile Zac lifted Fatima head off of him.

Zac: Oh it's like that, My turn!

Zac got up, laying Fatima down on the bed, he started sprinkling kisses on her neck, then her stomach, Fatima was already losing it, But Zac was teasing her. "You playing with me right now" Fatima said, "SHH" Zac said. And Zac started devouring her cat. "SHITTT" she moaned. Zac had Fatima squirming, but he wasn't letting up. "You be thinking shit a game" Zac said. "No no" Fatima said out of breath" "Let it out" Zac said talking Fatima through her orgasm, she came all over him, Zac had Fatima legs shaking uncontrollably

Zac: You be doing all that talking and yet you be folding like a mug, Uh Uh we not done just yet

Fatima: Damn babe give me a minute (she slowly said as she trying to catch her breath)

Zac: I'mma give you a second alright be ready for round 2

Fatima: Zac I don't know if I can handle anymore

Zac: Fatima I'm not trying to hear all that you know what we on

Fatima: Zaccc...

Zac: Nope I don't wanna hear it Fatima.

Zac and Fatima spent all night catering to each other, from the love, to the intimacy, to the sex, tonight was well needed for the both of them.

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